Maca for Aphrodisiac Remedies

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Sail06 (Katy, Tx, Usa) on 03/30/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Last summer, my husband was in full swing in his mid life crisis, and wanted sex at all times. My system was not up to par. So, I took Maca for 1 month, and had fabulous results. Maca increased my libido and, vaginal dryness, and soon I was up to par with my husband. I experienced no side effects. Just at the time of the suggestion, I experienced an increased interest. I would recommend this root vegetable.

I had bought the capsules, and was opening them up, to make about 1 tbsp, that I used in the following shake:

Blue-Green Power
2 tbsp hemp protein powder
1 tbsp Maca root powder
3 tbsp Spirulina, or other blue-green algae
2 tbsp Flax seeds
2 bananas
3 cups of water

Blend the hemp powder, Spirulina, flax seeds, bananas, and water until smooth. Enjoy.
Per serving: calories 114, protein 7g, carbohydrates 17g, fat 3g, sugar 7g
Percent Daily Values: potassium 10%, vitamin C 9%, calcium 3%, iron 13%, vitamin E 13%, vitamin B6 17%, folate 7%, magnesium 32%, zinc 2%, manganese 18%, dietary fiber 18%

Maca comes from the Andes of Peru. It's a root vegetable and medicinal herb, and looks like a turnip. Maca's great for rebuilding our adrenal glands and has reported beneficial effects for sexual function due to its high concentration of proteins and vital nutrients. You can buy it in bulk powder and store in an airtight container in the fridge.