Movement Arts that Heal

Modified on Feb 22, 2011 | Earth Clinic Team

Tai Chi, Gi Gung, other martial arts, and yoga are some of the best known of the healing movement arts anyone can incorporate into their daily routines for better health. These often very gentle exercises can stimulate blood flow to stagnant areas of the body and stimulate the lymphatic and immune systems to cleanse and heal the body.

Simply sweating is a terrifically healthy thing for you to do, cleansing your skin and with it your whole body of a number of toxins. However, these moving arts promise additional benefits beyond mere exercise. Gi Gung, Tai Chi, Bagwa, and similar martial arts styles claim to generate and move energy throughout the body -- chi -- and centuries of practitioners have given evidence to support those health claims.

Natural Cures: The healing arts of movement can be terrific for general flexibility, to heal joint and muscle damage and pain, for arthritis, to boost the immune system, and to improve blood flow to the brain and throughout the body. Even the sick and very elderly can find forms of Tai Chi or Gi Gung that they can practice on a daily basis for improved health.

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