Frozen Shoulder for Magnesium Oil

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Annette (Cookeville, Tn) on 10/24/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I had a frozen shoulder for a year and had good results with Epson Salt dissolved in warm water then added Olive oil. Rubbed it on. It brought me great relief. I was amazed.

Yes I also went to doctors and got shots and ex-rays at first to no avail. Tried all types of therapy, vitamins and minerals. I can not take Magnesium of any sort orally without Diarrhea. So reading these wonderful forms on have been a blessing.

Later I was able to purchase Magnesium Clo-ride and am using that now. I don't really feel there was a great difference.

The MC also helped the bone spur in my husband neck almost immediately. He was amazed and is telling all his friends. And is giving out samples. LOL

My nightly leg cramps, charlie horses , foot and hand cra'smps have been so greatly reduced I'm ecstatic.

Burning Nerve pain in my lower back and down my legs has lessened but I still occasionally use my roll on DMSO from Farmers Co-op. It works quickly. I've used since the late 70's. It was only approved for livestock. Please read about it before using it.

Share and Get Well everyone. Annette

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Little Wing (Boston, Ma) on 01/26/2013
5 out of 5 stars

hurray for you!! - magnesium changed my shoulders as well, almost as quickly. I know I've posted on here before about it - the pain in the middle of the night, not sleeping - it truly is a miracle cure and could help so many. I hope many others find this site and can benefit from magnesium in other parts of their life. My boyfriend used it on his heel spurs, fixed them too. He was a total skeptic until then. It's awesome stuff!!
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Laniet (San Leandro, Ca, USA) on 01/25/2013
5 out of 5 stars

First, thank you SO much for this great site! I have found wonderful information, but probably the BEST is my recent discovery of transdermal magnesium.

I have been suffering with frozen shoulder for two years, this coming May. The regular doctors just told me to do my pt exercises and if it didn't get better, I could get a cortisone shot or perhaps surgery. I haven't been back. They gave me ibuprofin and I was taking it a lot but started to worry about liver overload and other effects.

This FS condition has severely impacted my life in so many ways! I was gettting so sick of the constant pain and sleepless nights. I found "Frozen Shoulder Friends" page on Facebook and it has been a lifesaver--just to connect with other people suffering with this. (I recommend other FS sufferers to check it out--great group of folks with lots of humor which helps when you are in agonizing pain.)

A few days ago, I read up on transdermal magnesium here. I then scooted down to my local health food store and purchased a bottle. I came home and began applying it, massaging it into my shoulder and then to my arms, legs, and feet.


First, I am a chronic insomniac and had the best sleep I've had in YEARS (even before this Frozen Shoulder s****.

Second! Within an hour or so, my Frozen Shoulder went from OW OW OW! To mildly achey. I could NOT believe it. My range of motion (before I hit the pain mark) increased a good 12 inches upward.

I have rabidly devoured any information on the internet about transdermal magnesium therapy and there is a LOT of information out there. This is GOOD STUFF.

I shared with my fellow Facebook sufferers. There were some who, naturally, scoffed. (I would too--I am skeptical of such miracle cures myself.) But one women in England went out and bought a bottle right away and SHE IS HAVING THE SAME BENEFITS!

I can't say enough about this therapy except it WORKS. I am totally sold on its benefits and wonder why doctors aren't prescribing this, both for my condition--and so many others!

Thank you SO much, earthclinic. You have literally changed my life. I love you!