Adrenal Fatigue for Kefir

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Helder Costa (Rio De Janeiro) on 12/28/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Espetacular, magnifico o kefir. Curou-me varias enfermidades que me acompanhavam desde adolescência, como gastrite, colite ulcerativa diarreia e falta de absorção de vitaminas, minerais, enzimas e produção de hormônios a níveis ajustados.
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Frank (Perth, Western Australia) on 07/22/2015
5 out of 5 stars

If in the right environment (good quality milk) Kefir grows endlessly. I do not waste the grains ever. I share or eat them. Many years ago the medications I was given caused me chronic Gastritis. Bleeding at both ends etc. No medications helped. Drinking Kefir helped, made me feel better, but didn't cure, until I started eating the grains. Nearly immediately I started to get better and better. By eating Kefir nearly on every day basis I maintain this condition. As I mentioned above, that was 25 yrs ago. I am also using Kefir "very successfully" to treat chronic folliculitis. It brings down the inflammation, reducing itchiness. Everything starts in our digestive system. Kefir and all the goodies in it keeps me in a tip top condition. Prevention is the best cure. I drink it every day. I can mix it with oats/muesly add ice cream, honey, banana and this is my breakfast/dinner, or drink it plain. Finally my wife started eating it as well. Olle! Kefir is my "Doctor Everything", by using Kefir you make THE DOCTORS UNEMPLOYED.

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Deana (Knoxville, Tn) on 06/15/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Kefir! Kefir! HOMEMADE KEFIR! Can't say enough good about this hug-from-heaven-food! I was overrun with wild symptoms of adrenal fatigue and who knows what else (16 MD specialists could do nothing for me) and then I discovered homemade kefir.

I was so very ill few years ago that I had to quit my job teaching school while I prayed for answers to weird and debilitating symptoms from hives to heart palpitations to absolute fatigue. I am not exaggerating when I say that I put aside over $400 worth of supplements each month when I found kefir. Took about a cup or so a day for three weeks before I felt the changes. At first, felt rather unwell, but I know now that there was a "die-off" of so many bad guys living within and their waste and removal from my system led to this unwell sense for a week or two, then the sun broke through! Truly!

Kefir has so remarkably changed my world that I have actually started business teaching about this food and other cultured foods. Having a ball doing something so valuable, something most weary folks don't know exists. Let's spread the news!

God bless you all. Love Earth Clinic! I have learned so much from this amazing resource. So glad to share what I eventually found to be exactly what my frail body needed. Now, more energy than ever and absolutely med free!! When you understand how the microbes in kefir work in your digestive tract, you might be drinking it daily like this grateful gal. :)

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