
Kefir for Health: A Fermented Alternative to Yogurt

Modified on Apr 13, 2024

Kefir is a fermented dairy food much like yogurt that is traditionally enjoyed in Middle Eastern countries. It has built a popular following throughout the world because it offers many of the same benefits as yogurt--probiotics, healthy bacteria that aid digestion, and an easily digested source of nutrition. Kefir supporters claim that it is superior to yogurt in several ways, first in offering a greater number of beneficial strains of bacteria and also in being easily digestible even for those who are lactose intolerant.

You can create your own kefir naturally at home. All it takes is a kefir starter, rather like sourdough starter, added to any sort of milk. This mixture is allowed to ferment and is then strained to retain the starter, leaving the finished kefir behind.

Kefir's naturally occurring bacteria can bolster and rebalance the body's existing intestinal flora, helping us to get the most out of our dietary intake and promoting a healthy digestive system. Kefir is said to ease bowel movements and is reputed to be a major support to immune system health. It is a good source of B vitamins and is a complete protein source.

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