Ms, Back Problems for Incline Bed Therapy

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D (Wisconsin) on 11/08/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I started IBT about a year ago after being diagnosed with MS and searching the web for "natural" ways to manage it I came across Andrews video and the written info. I had nothing to lose by trying it and, now, I gained everything! I have not had to be treated (medication wise) for the MS, I was also at the door step of having to have back surgery, which I did not want and kept putting it off. Now, I don't need an excuse to put off surgery as I have no more back issues.

This is the by far the best remedy for so much I have ever came across and, it's free! I don't have to have surgery and as of date I don't for see myself having the need for MS medication/therapy.

I can't ever see myself sleeping flat again...One thing thou that is really hard is sex. We were never "schedulers" and now when the bed is not raised it's fun time. Yet, those times when one wakes and the mood is there the incline becomes a challenge. Sometimes to the point where we end up on the floor. If anyone is as bold as me and can give suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

All in all, our health; body, energy, sleep and dreams have been renewed.