Silicea For Stress, Exhaustion for Homeopathic Remedies

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Arlene (Florida) on 11/10/2023
5 out of 5 stars

Just want to add my two cents. First off Earth Clinic and all those that post- I appreciate so much. It is my go to when I'm not feeling up to par. Anyway homeopathic remedies fascinate me. It is so sad that regular doctors scoff and discredit the remedies. I happened to find a book in the thrift store written yrs ago by the late Dr. Vogel titled The Nature Doctor. He wrote about homeopathic remedies in one chapter. Anyway, he recommended silicea for hair and skin and also mentioned silacea for breast lumps. I bought the tube of silicea 12x and label states take 5 pellets. I must admit I kinda just left it in the cabinet. Recently I guess from stress and anxiety I was feeling so wound up. I started rummaging thru all my supplements and then I found the silicea tube. Glanced at the label and it said remedy for fatigue and overwork. So I took 5 pellets. In a short time, I felt like a different person. I have researched silicea and found it helps with a multitude of ailments. If you are feeling really out of sorts and anxious or panicky do give silicea a try. I ordered more from Boiron the company that makes homeopathic remedies. The customer service rep said take remedies as needed and then stop. If symptoms return resume pellets. As one previous post stated you have to try and match your symptoms to the remedies. However silicea seems to work for more issues than stated on the tube. Stay well everyone ❤️❤️Arlene