Top Ten Wellness Tips

Modified on Sep 16, 2017 | Earth Clinic Team

Health and Wellness Tips

Do you wish you felt better? Had a lot more energy? Had fewer health problems?

With a nearly infinite number of websites giving you endless possibilities and programs for improving health, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin.

But improving your health does not have to be expensive, difficult, or painful. It can even be fun and downright delicious. And feeling better will be worth each step you take!

Small changes in a few areas can help you more than you might realize.

1. Modify Your Diet

Everyone knows that “you are what you eat.” But few have the willpower for strict or complicated diets. But that is okay. You don’t have to have a perfect diet to feel good. A good diet will make most people feel good. Giving up birthday cake forever would be potentially depressing; so have birthday cake, but don’t have it for breakfast!

Try to eat well most of the time. What does eating well mean?

  • More whole foods.
  • More fruits, vegetables.
  • Less processed foods.
  • Less fried foods and fast foods.
  • Less sugar.
  • Quality oils like coconut and olive oils.
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee daily, but not a pot of coffee every day.
  • Drink plenty of water or herbal tea.

Learn to make smoothies. Once you learn how, you can make a simple meal chock full of superfoods to energize you much more productively than an energy drink would.

Many grocery stores are catering to those who wish to pursue a healthier diet but don’t have time to cook. Instead of getting fast food for lunch, consider picking up a salad or fruit bowl from the grocery store.

2. Improve Digestion

Make sure your digestive system is working well. This will help you to feel well and allow your body to make the most of the nutrients you give it.

If you suffer from constipation and the above dietary changes do not help you, find a doable remedy that does. You will feel so much better.

If you have chronic diarrhea, your body often does not have time to pull the nutrients from the foods before your body eliminates them!

If you suffer from heartburn or other digestive distresses regularly, look for simple remedies to relieve these issues. Digestive problems can mean that you are not getting the most out of your food.

3. Alkalize

An acidic body is more likely to feel poorly and suffer with disease. An apple cider vinegar tonic or one of Ted’s famous alkalizing remedies are simple solutions to this problem for many.

4. Exercise

Exercise improves your energy, mood, digestion, circulation and your immune system. Once you get up and moving you will be glad you did. Do something you enjoy! Walk with a coworker at lunch! Dance with your grandchildren. Go swimming. Jump on a mini-trampoline when you watch a movie for 5 minutes out of each hour. 

5. Get Some Sunshine

Sunshine is good for you, in moderation of course. It allows your body to produce much needed vitamin D and is important for a good mood and proper immune function. Long winter months and summers spent in the air conditioning make it difficult for many to get minimum sunshine requirements.

6. Don't Skimp on Sleep

Sleep is when your body rests and repairs itself. While an occasional late night is okay, missing needed sleep each night catches up with you. Turn off phones and computers an hour before retiring to bed. Read a book to unwind or take an Epsom salt bath instead. If you have trouble with insomnia, see if you can find the cause and work towards a solution.

7. Stress Less

You may have little control over external stressors in your life, but you can improve how you manage them and how your body copes with them.

Exercise and sunshine are great for helping you cope with stress. Sometimes issues that loom large don’t seem quite so oppressive after a walk in the sunshine.

Support groups can also give you a place to verbalize your difficulties and be encouraged by others in similar situations.

If you regularly experience anxiety, you may find some supplements or herbs that can reduce that anxious feeling.

8. Reduce Chemicals in Your Life

You may not be able to do much about the chemicals you must deal with at work or on the road, but you can do something about your chemical exposure at home, where you likely spend a good deal of time, at least while sleeping!

Use simple items to clean – white vinegar and baking soda can clean nearly anything in your house.

Make your own laundry detergent to reduce the chemical load in your clothes.

Use natural body care products, or make your own.

9. Laugh

Laughter is good for you. Read a funny book. Watch a funny video. Hang out with fun friends. Laughing releases endorphins, a chemical released by the pituitary gland that makes your feel good and relieves pain. Which is the same chemical responsible for pain relief! Laughing fills your lungs deeply with air. Deep breathing is good for you! Earth Clinic has a page of funny posts and jokes to get you started.

10. Take Healing Baths

If you like to multitask, consider turning your bath (or shower) into a healing event!

Bath additives like Epsom salt, baking soda, or apple cider vinegar can give benefit your health without you having to carve more time into your day to accomplish another “healthful activity.” Epsom salt supplies necessary nutrients, promotes sleep, and can reduce anxiety. Baking soda can help to relieve skin problems and alkalize the body. Apple cider vinegar baths are also great for your skin.

For more ideas on detox baths, see this page.

If you are not a bath person, try a cold shower. Cold Shower Therapy can relieve anxiety, help a frozen shoulder and boost the immune system. Some find a cold shower will relieve asthma symptoms or a headache.

Don’t try all ten tips at once. Pick one and make a few positive changes. Then come back and reread this article and pick another one.

Be sure to let us know about your results. We would love to hear from you!

Keep reading for tips from our readers!

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List of Remedies for Health and Wellness Tips