Sexual Disorders for Garlic

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Laci (Oxford, MI) on 11/02/2005
5 out of 5 stars

Garlic has worked wonders for not only me, and my friends but my pets too. I don't believe in using lots of prescription medicine, with all those crazy side effects, when I start feeling a cold coming on, I eat garlic, my friend came down with chlamydia , I told her to eat garlic, and the next time she was tested (2 weeks later) IT WAS GONE. My dog got intestinal parasites, the whole family started on garlic, no problem. Not only can this amazing plant prevent, but it can also cure infections and diseases. I recommend it to everyone and I have been illness free for 2 years. I have been studying wild edible medicinal plants for 6 years now, and I am a true fan of this wonderful herb.