Flax Seed and Flax Seed Oil Remedies

Modified on Jan 23, 2024

Flax seed (or flaxseed) and flax seed oil (linseed oil) enjoy an important place in the natural remedies community as a much-trusted remedy and daily dietary supplement that can offer a variety of health benefits.

The flax plant is widely dispersed, and its seeds have been used as a food source and medicinally throughout history. Now we begin to better appreciate its dietary value as an excellent source of both fiber and omega 3 fatty acids, such as are found in coldwater fish. Flax seeds also provide lignans, which are antioxidants and pseudoestrogens.

Natural Remedies: Adding flax seeds or flaxseed oil to your regular diet or as an occasional remedy is said to resolve constipation, relieve PMS symptoms, improve skin tone, and reduce the risks of diabetes, stroke, cancers, and cardiovascular disease.

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    List of Remedies for Flax Seed