Coconut Oil for Multiple Cures

5 star (72) 
4 star (2) 
3 star (2) 

Suja Biju (Dubai, Uae) on 02/05/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Pure coconut oil which we extracted at home provides nice aroma for kerala dishes. It won't increase cholestrol. It helps me in reducing the hair fall and the dry skin problems.
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Erin (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 01/17/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Oh Coconut Oil... Where to begin...

I have been using coconut oil for 4 months now on and inside my body. I will say first off that I do not believe in this systemic candida issue and these "die-offs. " I do, however, believe in eliminating processed foods from my diet, while eating locally, organically, and sustainable. It is a learning process. So organic virgin coconut oil is great stuff. Here is what I have used it for.

Yeast infection: I am currently suffering from repeated yeast infections... Check that... I am just not getting rid this yeast infection completely. I have tried the prescription pills and OTC creams. Coconut oil is great for relieving symptoms and the infection temporarily. It has been more effective than the creams or prescriptions thus far. My infection has always been minor/mild. I am getting insurance in a few weeks, so I have not been to the doctor recently, so it is undiagnosed, and I am very well aware that I could be misdiagnosing (but after hours and hours and months of reading, I don't think that I am). It began with diagnosed BV and antibiotics (so I know the difference).

Put some coconut oil in a glass, and put that glass in a stopped sink with hot water (about an inch worth). The oil will melt pretty quickly while you brush you do your bathroom routine. Dip an organic cotton tampon in, swirl it around in the oil, and put it on up there. It is pretty much instant relief for me. I leave it in 2-6 hours. After doing this for three days my symptoms will disappear but always temporarily. Basically it gets rid of the problem on the surface but not entirely.

May I suggest that EVERYONE read the V Book. There is a crazy amount of misinformation on this site. Read this book. The chapter on yeast infections is online so just google it. Learn about your body apart from only second hand naturopath advice which, if you understand the complexity of scientific experimentation- studies, you will understand that a naturopath (though sometimes helpful) is not a substitute for a doctor... Meh.. But to each their own. If you have reoccurring yeast infections, put some coconut oil up there to get you through and insist on a culture from your gyno.

Please do not get into these year/s long extraordinarily restrictive diets that drive you to the point of thinking every ache and pain is the candida monster thriving inside of you. Eating a little sugar does not cause yeast infections... Now, if you are drinking a liter of pop a day and over a quarter of milk with a bunch of cookies, etc...well...

Moisturizer/stretch marks: Coconut oil makes a great moisturizer. My boyfriend loves it. I would like to use it as a sexual lubricant as well.

After a month of regular use there is no noticeable difference in my stretch marks.

I do use it on my face and upper shoulders where I have the occasion pimple break out. Coconut oil does not reduce nor cause pimples as far as I can tell. I definitely do not breakout from coconut oil, but it does not seem to have much of an effect on existing pimples. Things are pretty much as they ever were, though I have received compliments on my skin.

Toothpaste: Google a recipe. I have been using it as a homemade toothpaste base for only a week now. Nothing incredible to report, but I do not think that I have bad breath.

Shaving cream: I only shave with coconut oil now! I put a little melted oil on my legs and shave away. It is great! Razor burn is not completely eliminated, but definitely greatly reduced.

Consumption/Internal Use: Okay... I have added 1-3 T in my coffee for... 4 months now, every morning. This does _not_ eliminate yeast infections. It does absolutely nothing as far as preventing/stopping yeast infections. No changes whatsoever from ingesting.

Eating this stuff does increase your metabolism. This means your heart rate will increase and your body temp increases so you will sweat more. I hate this. I have not lost weight (getting back into my yoga routine now.. Exercise and eating right is the only way to lose weight... There is no special tonic). The increased sweating (especially at school or in work when I tend to be more nervous) is terrible. I don't like it. I don't smell great from it either.

This is not a herx reaction or any kind of toxin die off. People that throw out "herx" every time someone has a negative reaction (most of them either allergic or due to severely depriving oneself of carbohydrates/sodium/sugar) make me insane. Look up coconut oil. It raises metabolism and heart rate. I do not have a mysterious systemic candida condition that everyone has and every single doctor ever attempts to mask from their patient's eyes in order to line their pockets with more yeast money. If you are sensitive to raised heart rates (I am and the first day was kind of rough so I had to start smaller and build up the dose) then start with just a little and work your way up. I am going to work my way back down on this one as I am not sure that a little increased energy is worth the sweatiness and warm sensation all day. We will see.

But most importantly, eating coconut oil does not do anything for yeast infections... At least not for mine. I will say that topical application as described above has worked better than Apple Cider Vinegar (did nothing... I started using Apple Cider Vinegar for everything and it did nothing for anything, but I do use it to cook), garlic (did nothing... Ingested and stuck some up there overnight a few times), yogurt (did nothing), probiotics (love for digestion but as suppositories they do nothing for me, and I have tried all of the most recommended brands made especially for vaginal flora harmony).

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Dianne (Houston, Tx) on 09/02/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using virgin organic coconut oil, for several months now. I have been taking a teaspoon of it twice a day. It's properties are anti-bacterial, anti-fungus and I love the taste, and I keep finding more uses for it. My last visit to my general practitioner surprised both of us, my blood pressure was lower than it had ever been 120/60 and I am 70 years old. The only thing I have changed since I saw her last was the addition of coconut oil to my diet. I am now using it instead of moisturizer, and use it instead of conditioner for my hair. The results are miracleouse! Additionally my german shepherd who is 12 years old has been scratching and driving me crazy. I took her to the vet and thought possibly she had parasites. After spending $300, and several tests -- they could not find the cause of it. I starting giving her a teaspoon of coconut oil once a day, and just realized she is no longer itching. Additionally, she has lost her "doggie odor. " As there is not a lot about coconut oil on your site -- I wanted to share this. I believe it is one of the "miracle" foods!
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Coco Girl (London, England) on 06/04/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a thyroid problem for 9 years and before that I never ate sweet things. I became a sugar junkie and could not control my sugar cravings. Since discovering coconut oil I don't have the overwhelming urge to eat sugar and have much more energy. I also have lost some weight and feel so much better. I eat 2-3 dessert spoons of coconut oil and use it for my face and body. I have smooth beautiful skin and its so much cheaper than all those expensive products I use to buy. Thank you Earth Clinic for another amazing discovery.
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Umbrella Girl (Delhi, India) on 05/12/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi there! I've been a fan of coconut oil for some time now - been using it on my skin for the past two months and my acne problem had almost disappeared.

Then I read about taking it internally and decided to try that for the other health benefits as well. I weigh 45 kilos, so Ive been taking only a tablespoon VCO a day in the morning.

The first day I felt nothing, the second I broke out on the right sid of my face something bad. It was a cluster of pimples that refused to surface and just sat there under the skin! It was very painful. The third day, I had more painful spots along my jaw and the left side had two more painful pimples. But I stuck to the oil, halved my carbs intake and kept up a topical application of VCO. By day four, the pain was less, and it kept getting better throughout the day! Now it's day five and the pimples are coming to a head, are completely painless and my complexion has brightened! Over the last year my skin had gotten pretty dark and I thought maybe it was the coconut oil that was pushing the day's tan along. But today, suddenly, my face is three shades lighter! It's strange, I was even in the sun all day today! I guess it's the internal coconut oil working to push out toxins.

Now that I'm taking the VCO internally, I find I have a lot more energy, my skin has a healthy (albiet, pimply) glow and I feel great! I apply VCO on my face and rub it in gently, leaving it on overnight and washing in the morning.

My teeth are whiter too! I simply brush with coconut oil every day, no Western toothpaste for me, haha! I had a problem with pretty yellow incissors and now they are slowly becoming whiter and whiter and my mouth feels super clean!

I love VCO!

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Mihel (Clinton Twp, Mi) on 01/09/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using this miracle food for a month or so now, and it has benefitted me in ways that I can't fathom would be possible with any other store-bought stuff, such as lotion. In the Winter, my hands crack and get very dry and have broken skin spots all over my palms. Since I've been using coconut oil in my hair as a natural gel, a face moisturizer, chap stick, and lotion, just having the oil on my hands has made perfectly soft and healthy and crack-free.

I use the oil to make a toothpaste and natural deodorant, which works wonders. I also have been losing much bad weight by taking a tablespoon of it daily by mouth. I've been cooking with it, and let me say, it seems to bring out the flavor in my food, rather make it taste oily and greasy like other cooking oils. My partner has been taking the oil by mouth each day also, and it has cured his gingivitis completely. The oil is a godsend, truly. I find that it has boosted my immune system, also.

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Chris (Singapore) on 10/03/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, I was pretty open to trying coconut oil being a lover of all things coconutty from young. I started taking 3 tablespoons of this oil daily and applying this oil on my face. I can report the following benefits so far: very good bowel movements (not that I had bad ones before but there is a definite improvement), more restful sleep and my complexion is certainly looking and feeling softer. I didn't think I'd describe it such but it really feels that way. [Would like to see some weight loss off me... There's been about 3 pounds shed... So, we'll see]. This has only been for a month since I started using (consuming and applying externally) it.

Recently, I've started having this itchy scalp which has so called 'degenerated' into dry flakiness as well! I've tried every anti-dandruff shampoo there is available - the bottles line my shelf in the bathroom, believe me! - yet I'm still scratching my itchy flaky head like mad! Anyhow, last night, I've decided that I'll massage coconut oil to my scalp each night and shampoo my hair in the morning daily and see how it goes... Today's the first day after a coconut oil hair treatment and the itching is less intense. At least I got by today's work without having to scratch my head silly behind closed doors!!!

Watch this space, folks... and to all you consumers of coconut oil, I hope you're enjoying a better quality of life now...

Time to give my head that coconut-oil massage now... :)

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Arizona_sunsets (Casa Grande, Arizona, U.s.a.) on 03/18/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking coconut oil 2 weeks ago, my local vitamin store(I live in a small town)and they only had coconut oil pills, I have been taking two pills a day(knowing that starting in moderation was the best idea). The bottle lists them as extra virgin, pure nature coconut oil, cold pressed.

Today, I got regular coconut oil by mail, and also found to my surprise that a local grocery store carried it, but it is more expensive than the mail order.

I am a female who is 38 years old, I was put on simvastatin for high cholesteral, and was having really bad side affects, then I started researching "statins" on the internet and could not believe the potential damage they can do to your body, including destroying muscle tissue! I quit taking the cholesterol pills.

Here are some benefits I have had from taking the coconut oil pills so far:

Menstrual- My period started early, usually painful, this time it was not, however my "flow" was heavy, and only lasted 4 days! I am happy about that.

Reduction in hunger-Often, at night I would wake up hungry, that does not happen since I have started taking the coconut oil pills. I believe I have also lost some weight as well. My hunger is not as "demanding" as it was before.

Sinus Issues-I while back I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, and had sinus infection and general problems on a regular basis, my sinus issues have pretty much stopped entirely since starting on these pills.

Acid Reflux/Bad Digestion-Gone! I have had this problem for a LONG time, now it is gone. After trying different enzymes, prevacid, and tons of other stuff, no more stomach problems! It is hard to believe.

When I first started taking the pills, I did experience a feeling that kind of fit the term "brain fog", I have since started only taking them later in the evening after I eat dinner, (since I experience problems with insomnia, I am also seeing if they help with that)and that seems to be a better time for me to take them.

I am trying the new oil on my hair and skin, before I shower, as I type this.

The oil tastes so much better than I expected! It is expeller pressed, so there is no overly strong coconut scent, it is a very lite, slightly creamy taste, and is less expensive. I will def. eventually try cooking with it as well.

I have had diarrhea twice since starting to take the COP's, however, this is something I have had off and on before, and at the first sign of it, I took two charcoal pills, and it did not continue.

I am going to also experiment and see if I get different results from the straight oil versus the pills.

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Pattyc (Milwaukee, Wi) on 02/12/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have "accidentally" found 2 cures using Coconut Oil. The first was when I had a terrible case of bacterial vaginosis. Every over the counter remedy I tried did not work and I was going on one month of having this infection, trying different medications and finally before I decided to go to the doctor to get a prescription, I tried some coconut oil in place of the other medicines, and the next day it was gone.

The 2nd instance of a cure was for my minor hemorrhoids, which are an occasional reminder of being in labor for 12 hours. Usually a little Preparation H will take care of it, but the most recent incident, the Preparation H was working only slightly, and this went on for almost 2 weeks. Usually this medicine works in a few days and it's gone but not this time. So I thought "what the heck" and tried some coconut oil on the hemorrhoid, and it was gone by the next morning... AMAZING!

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Sheri (Thibodaux, Louisiana) on 02/05/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using Organic "Unrefined" Coconut Oil for going on nine years. It has cured my Fibromyalgia and Arthiritis as well as my weight problem. Please note that I also changed my diet to an organic way of eating. My skin is beautiful and ageless. IT Works! End of story.
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Coconut Oil for Multiple Cures

5 star (72) 
4 star (2) 
3 star (2) 

Suja Biju (Dubai, Uae) on 02/05/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Pure coconut oil which we extracted at home provides nice aroma for kerala dishes. It won't increase cholestrol. It helps me in reducing the hair fall and the dry skin problems.
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Erin (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 01/17/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Oh Coconut Oil... Where to begin...

I have been using coconut oil for 4 months now on and inside my body. I will say first off that I do not believe in this systemic candida issue and these "die-offs. " I do, however, believe in eliminating processed foods from my diet, while eating locally, organically, and sustainable. It is a learning process. So organic virgin coconut oil is great stuff. Here is what I have used it for.

Yeast infection: I am currently suffering from repeated yeast infections... Check that... I am just not getting rid this yeast infection completely. I have tried the prescription pills and OTC creams. Coconut oil is great for relieving symptoms and the infection temporarily. It has been more effective than the creams or prescriptions thus far. My infection has always been minor/mild. I am getting insurance in a few weeks, so I have not been to the doctor recently, so it is undiagnosed, and I am very well aware that I could be misdiagnosing (but after hours and hours and months of reading, I don't think that I am). It began with diagnosed BV and antibiotics (so I know the difference).

Put some coconut oil in a glass, and put that glass in a stopped sink with hot water (about an inch worth). The oil will melt pretty quickly while you brush you do your bathroom routine. Dip an organic cotton tampon in, swirl it around in the oil, and put it on up there. It is pretty much instant relief for me. I leave it in 2-6 hours. After doing this for three days my symptoms will disappear but always temporarily. Basically it gets rid of the problem on the surface but not entirely.

May I suggest that EVERYONE read the V Book. There is a crazy amount of misinformation on this site. Read this book. The chapter on yeast infections is online so just google it. Learn about your body apart from only second hand naturopath advice which, if you understand the complexity of scientific experimentation- studies, you will understand that a naturopath (though sometimes helpful) is not a substitute for a doctor... Meh.. But to each their own. If you have reoccurring yeast infections, put some coconut oil up there to get you through and insist on a culture from your gyno.

Please do not get into these year/s long extraordinarily restrictive diets that drive you to the point of thinking every ache and pain is the candida monster thriving inside of you. Eating a little sugar does not cause yeast infections... Now, if you are drinking a liter of pop a day and over a quarter of milk with a bunch of cookies, etc...well...

Moisturizer/stretch marks: Coconut oil makes a great moisturizer. My boyfriend loves it. I would like to use it as a sexual lubricant as well.

After a month of regular use there is no noticeable difference in my stretch marks.

I do use it on my face and upper shoulders where I have the occasion pimple break out. Coconut oil does not reduce nor cause pimples as far as I can tell. I definitely do not breakout from coconut oil, but it does not seem to have much of an effect on existing pimples. Things are pretty much as they ever were, though I have received compliments on my skin.

Toothpaste: Google a recipe. I have been using it as a homemade toothpaste base for only a week now. Nothing incredible to report, but I do not think that I have bad breath.

Shaving cream: I only shave with coconut oil now! I put a little melted oil on my legs and shave away. It is great! Razor burn is not completely eliminated, but definitely greatly reduced.

Consumption/Internal Use: Okay... I have added 1-3 T in my coffee for... 4 months now, every morning. This does _not_ eliminate yeast infections. It does absolutely nothing as far as preventing/stopping yeast infections. No changes whatsoever from ingesting.

Eating this stuff does increase your metabolism. This means your heart rate will increase and your body temp increases so you will sweat more. I hate this. I have not lost weight (getting back into my yoga routine now.. Exercise and eating right is the only way to lose weight... There is no special tonic). The increased sweating (especially at school or in work when I tend to be more nervous) is terrible. I don't like it. I don't smell great from it either.

This is not a herx reaction or any kind of toxin die off. People that throw out "herx" every time someone has a negative reaction (most of them either allergic or due to severely depriving oneself of carbohydrates/sodium/sugar) make me insane. Look up coconut oil. It raises metabolism and heart rate. I do not have a mysterious systemic candida condition that everyone has and every single doctor ever attempts to mask from their patient's eyes in order to line their pockets with more yeast money. If you are sensitive to raised heart rates (I am and the first day was kind of rough so I had to start smaller and build up the dose) then start with just a little and work your way up. I am going to work my way back down on this one as I am not sure that a little increased energy is worth the sweatiness and warm sensation all day. We will see.

But most importantly, eating coconut oil does not do anything for yeast infections... At least not for mine. I will say that topical application as described above has worked better than Apple Cider Vinegar (did nothing... I started using Apple Cider Vinegar for everything and it did nothing for anything, but I do use it to cook), garlic (did nothing... Ingested and stuck some up there overnight a few times), yogurt (did nothing), probiotics (love for digestion but as suppositories they do nothing for me, and I have tried all of the most recommended brands made especially for vaginal flora harmony).

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Dianne (Houston, Tx) on 09/02/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using virgin organic coconut oil, for several months now. I have been taking a teaspoon of it twice a day. It's properties are anti-bacterial, anti-fungus and I love the taste, and I keep finding more uses for it. My last visit to my general practitioner surprised both of us, my blood pressure was lower than it had ever been 120/60 and I am 70 years old. The only thing I have changed since I saw her last was the addition of coconut oil to my diet. I am now using it instead of moisturizer, and use it instead of conditioner for my hair. The results are miracleouse! Additionally my german shepherd who is 12 years old has been scratching and driving me crazy. I took her to the vet and thought possibly she had parasites. After spending $300, and several tests -- they could not find the cause of it. I starting giving her a teaspoon of coconut oil once a day, and just realized she is no longer itching. Additionally, she has lost her "doggie odor. " As there is not a lot about coconut oil on your site -- I wanted to share this. I believe it is one of the "miracle" foods!
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Coco Girl (London, England) on 06/04/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a thyroid problem for 9 years and before that I never ate sweet things. I became a sugar junkie and could not control my sugar cravings. Since discovering coconut oil I don't have the overwhelming urge to eat sugar and have much more energy. I also have lost some weight and feel so much better. I eat 2-3 dessert spoons of coconut oil and use it for my face and body. I have smooth beautiful skin and its so much cheaper than all those expensive products I use to buy. Thank you Earth Clinic for another amazing discovery.
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Umbrella Girl (Delhi, India) on 05/12/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi there! I've been a fan of coconut oil for some time now - been using it on my skin for the past two months and my acne problem had almost disappeared.

Then I read about taking it internally and decided to try that for the other health benefits as well. I weigh 45 kilos, so Ive been taking only a tablespoon VCO a day in the morning.

The first day I felt nothing, the second I broke out on the right sid of my face something bad. It was a cluster of pimples that refused to surface and just sat there under the skin! It was very painful. The third day, I had more painful spots along my jaw and the left side had two more painful pimples. But I stuck to the oil, halved my carbs intake and kept up a topical application of VCO. By day four, the pain was less, and it kept getting better throughout the day! Now it's day five and the pimples are coming to a head, are completely painless and my complexion has brightened! Over the last year my skin had gotten pretty dark and I thought maybe it was the coconut oil that was pushing the day's tan along. But today, suddenly, my face is three shades lighter! It's strange, I was even in the sun all day today! I guess it's the internal coconut oil working to push out toxins.

Now that I'm taking the VCO internally, I find I have a lot more energy, my skin has a healthy (albiet, pimply) glow and I feel great! I apply VCO on my face and rub it in gently, leaving it on overnight and washing in the morning.

My teeth are whiter too! I simply brush with coconut oil every day, no Western toothpaste for me, haha! I had a problem with pretty yellow incissors and now they are slowly becoming whiter and whiter and my mouth feels super clean!

I love VCO!

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Mihel (Clinton Twp, Mi) on 01/09/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using this miracle food for a month or so now, and it has benefitted me in ways that I can't fathom would be possible with any other store-bought stuff, such as lotion. In the Winter, my hands crack and get very dry and have broken skin spots all over my palms. Since I've been using coconut oil in my hair as a natural gel, a face moisturizer, chap stick, and lotion, just having the oil on my hands has made perfectly soft and healthy and crack-free.

I use the oil to make a toothpaste and natural deodorant, which works wonders. I also have been losing much bad weight by taking a tablespoon of it daily by mouth. I've been cooking with it, and let me say, it seems to bring out the flavor in my food, rather make it taste oily and greasy like other cooking oils. My partner has been taking the oil by mouth each day also, and it has cured his gingivitis completely. The oil is a godsend, truly. I find that it has boosted my immune system, also.

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Chris (Singapore) on 10/03/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, I was pretty open to trying coconut oil being a lover of all things coconutty from young. I started taking 3 tablespoons of this oil daily and applying this oil on my face. I can report the following benefits so far: very good bowel movements (not that I had bad ones before but there is a definite improvement), more restful sleep and my complexion is certainly looking and feeling softer. I didn't think I'd describe it such but it really feels that way. [Would like to see some weight loss off me... There's been about 3 pounds shed... So, we'll see]. This has only been for a month since I started using (consuming and applying externally) it.

Recently, I've started having this itchy scalp which has so called 'degenerated' into dry flakiness as well! I've tried every anti-dandruff shampoo there is available - the bottles line my shelf in the bathroom, believe me! - yet I'm still scratching my itchy flaky head like mad! Anyhow, last night, I've decided that I'll massage coconut oil to my scalp each night and shampoo my hair in the morning daily and see how it goes... Today's the first day after a coconut oil hair treatment and the itching is less intense. At least I got by today's work without having to scratch my head silly behind closed doors!!!

Watch this space, folks... and to all you consumers of coconut oil, I hope you're enjoying a better quality of life now...

Time to give my head that coconut-oil massage now... :)

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Arizona_sunsets (Casa Grande, Arizona, U.s.a.) on 03/18/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking coconut oil 2 weeks ago, my local vitamin store(I live in a small town)and they only had coconut oil pills, I have been taking two pills a day(knowing that starting in moderation was the best idea). The bottle lists them as extra virgin, pure nature coconut oil, cold pressed.

Today, I got regular coconut oil by mail, and also found to my surprise that a local grocery store carried it, but it is more expensive than the mail order.

I am a female who is 38 years old, I was put on simvastatin for high cholesteral, and was having really bad side affects, then I started researching "statins" on the internet and could not believe the potential damage they can do to your body, including destroying muscle tissue! I quit taking the cholesterol pills.

Here are some benefits I have had from taking the coconut oil pills so far:

Menstrual- My period started early, usually painful, this time it was not, however my "flow" was heavy, and only lasted 4 days! I am happy about that.

Reduction in hunger-Often, at night I would wake up hungry, that does not happen since I have started taking the coconut oil pills. I believe I have also lost some weight as well. My hunger is not as "demanding" as it was before.

Sinus Issues-I while back I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, and had sinus infection and general problems on a regular basis, my sinus issues have pretty much stopped entirely since starting on these pills.

Acid Reflux/Bad Digestion-Gone! I have had this problem for a LONG time, now it is gone. After trying different enzymes, prevacid, and tons of other stuff, no more stomach problems! It is hard to believe.

When I first started taking the pills, I did experience a feeling that kind of fit the term "brain fog", I have since started only taking them later in the evening after I eat dinner, (since I experience problems with insomnia, I am also seeing if they help with that)and that seems to be a better time for me to take them.

I am trying the new oil on my hair and skin, before I shower, as I type this.

The oil tastes so much better than I expected! It is expeller pressed, so there is no overly strong coconut scent, it is a very lite, slightly creamy taste, and is less expensive. I will def. eventually try cooking with it as well.

I have had diarrhea twice since starting to take the COP's, however, this is something I have had off and on before, and at the first sign of it, I took two charcoal pills, and it did not continue.

I am going to also experiment and see if I get different results from the straight oil versus the pills.

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Pattyc (Milwaukee, Wi) on 02/12/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have "accidentally" found 2 cures using Coconut Oil. The first was when I had a terrible case of bacterial vaginosis. Every over the counter remedy I tried did not work and I was going on one month of having this infection, trying different medications and finally before I decided to go to the doctor to get a prescription, I tried some coconut oil in place of the other medicines, and the next day it was gone.

The 2nd instance of a cure was for my minor hemorrhoids, which are an occasional reminder of being in labor for 12 hours. Usually a little Preparation H will take care of it, but the most recent incident, the Preparation H was working only slightly, and this went on for almost 2 weeks. Usually this medicine works in a few days and it's gone but not this time. So I thought "what the heck" and tried some coconut oil on the hemorrhoid, and it was gone by the next morning... AMAZING!

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Sheri (Thibodaux, Louisiana) on 02/05/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using Organic "Unrefined" Coconut Oil for going on nine years. It has cured my Fibromyalgia and Arthiritis as well as my weight problem. Please note that I also changed my diet to an organic way of eating. My skin is beautiful and ageless. IT Works! End of story.
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Suja Biju (Dubai, Uae) on 02/05/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Pure coconut oil which we extracted at home provides nice aroma for kerala dishes. It won't increase cholestrol. It helps me in reducing the hair fall and the dry skin problems.
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Erin (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 01/17/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Oh Coconut Oil... Where to begin...

I have been using coconut oil for 4 months now on and inside my body. I will say first off that I do not believe in this systemic candida issue and these "die-offs. " I do, however, believe in eliminating processed foods from my diet, while eating locally, organically, and sustainable. It is a learning process. So organic virgin coconut oil is great stuff. Here is what I have used it for.

Yeast infection: I am currently suffering from repeated yeast infections... Check that... I am just not getting rid this yeast infection completely. I have tried the prescription pills and OTC creams. Coconut oil is great for relieving symptoms and the infection temporarily. It has been more effective than the creams or prescriptions thus far. My infection has always been minor/mild. I am getting insurance in a few weeks, so I have not been to the doctor recently, so it is undiagnosed, and I am very well aware that I could be misdiagnosing (but after hours and hours and months of reading, I don't think that I am). It began with diagnosed BV and antibiotics (so I know the difference).

Put some coconut oil in a glass, and put that glass in a stopped sink with hot water (about an inch worth). The oil will melt pretty quickly while you brush you do your bathroom routine. Dip an organic cotton tampon in, swirl it around in the oil, and put it on up there. It is pretty much instant relief for me. I leave it in 2-6 hours. After doing this for three days my symptoms will disappear but always temporarily. Basically it gets rid of the problem on the surface but not entirely.

May I suggest that EVERYONE read the V Book. There is a crazy amount of misinformation on this site. Read this book. The chapter on yeast infections is online so just google it. Learn about your body apart from only second hand naturopath advice which, if you understand the complexity of scientific experimentation- studies, you will understand that a naturopath (though sometimes helpful) is not a substitute for a doctor... Meh.. But to each their own. If you have reoccurring yeast infections, put some coconut oil up there to get you through and insist on a culture from your gyno.

Please do not get into these year/s long extraordinarily restrictive diets that drive you to the point of thinking every ache and pain is the candida monster thriving inside of you. Eating a little sugar does not cause yeast infections... Now, if you are drinking a liter of pop a day and over a quarter of milk with a bunch of cookies, etc...well...

Moisturizer/stretch marks: Coconut oil makes a great moisturizer. My boyfriend loves it. I would like to use it as a sexual lubricant as well.

After a month of regular use there is no noticeable difference in my stretch marks.

I do use it on my face and upper shoulders where I have the occasion pimple break out. Coconut oil does not reduce nor cause pimples as far as I can tell. I definitely do not breakout from coconut oil, but it does not seem to have much of an effect on existing pimples. Things are pretty much as they ever were, though I have received compliments on my skin.

Toothpaste: Google a recipe. I have been using it as a homemade toothpaste base for only a week now. Nothing incredible to report, but I do not think that I have bad breath.

Shaving cream: I only shave with coconut oil now! I put a little melted oil on my legs and shave away. It is great! Razor burn is not completely eliminated, but definitely greatly reduced.

Consumption/Internal Use: Okay... I have added 1-3 T in my coffee for... 4 months now, every morning. This does _not_ eliminate yeast infections. It does absolutely nothing as far as preventing/stopping yeast infections. No changes whatsoever from ingesting.

Eating this stuff does increase your metabolism. This means your heart rate will increase and your body temp increases so you will sweat more. I hate this. I have not lost weight (getting back into my yoga routine now.. Exercise and eating right is the only way to lose weight... There is no special tonic). The increased sweating (especially at school or in work when I tend to be more nervous) is terrible. I don't like it. I don't smell great from it either.

This is not a herx reaction or any kind of toxin die off. People that throw out "herx" every time someone has a negative reaction (most of them either allergic or due to severely depriving oneself of carbohydrates/sodium/sugar) make me insane. Look up coconut oil. It raises metabolism and heart rate. I do not have a mysterious systemic candida condition that everyone has and every single doctor ever attempts to mask from their patient's eyes in order to line their pockets with more yeast money. If you are sensitive to raised heart rates (I am and the first day was kind of rough so I had to start smaller and build up the dose) then start with just a little and work your way up. I am going to work my way back down on this one as I am not sure that a little increased energy is worth the sweatiness and warm sensation all day. We will see.

But most importantly, eating coconut oil does not do anything for yeast infections... At least not for mine. I will say that topical application as described above has worked better than Apple Cider Vinegar (did nothing... I started using Apple Cider Vinegar for everything and it did nothing for anything, but I do use it to cook), garlic (did nothing... Ingested and stuck some up there overnight a few times), yogurt (did nothing), probiotics (love for digestion but as suppositories they do nothing for me, and I have tried all of the most recommended brands made especially for vaginal flora harmony).

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Dianne (Houston, Tx) on 09/02/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using virgin organic coconut oil, for several months now. I have been taking a teaspoon of it twice a day. It's properties are anti-bacterial, anti-fungus and I love the taste, and I keep finding more uses for it. My last visit to my general practitioner surprised both of us, my blood pressure was lower than it had ever been 120/60 and I am 70 years old. The only thing I have changed since I saw her last was the addition of coconut oil to my diet. I am now using it instead of moisturizer, and use it instead of conditioner for my hair. The results are miracleouse! Additionally my german shepherd who is 12 years old has been scratching and driving me crazy. I took her to the vet and thought possibly she had parasites. After spending $300, and several tests -- they could not find the cause of it. I starting giving her a teaspoon of coconut oil once a day, and just realized she is no longer itching. Additionally, she has lost her "doggie odor. " As there is not a lot about coconut oil on your site -- I wanted to share this. I believe it is one of the "miracle" foods!
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Coco Girl (London, England) on 06/04/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a thyroid problem for 9 years and before that I never ate sweet things. I became a sugar junkie and could not control my sugar cravings. Since discovering coconut oil I don't have the overwhelming urge to eat sugar and have much more energy. I also have lost some weight and feel so much better. I eat 2-3 dessert spoons of coconut oil and use it for my face and body. I have smooth beautiful skin and its so much cheaper than all those expensive products I use to buy. Thank you Earth Clinic for another amazing discovery.
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Umbrella Girl (Delhi, India) on 05/12/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi there! I've been a fan of coconut oil for some time now - been using it on my skin for the past two months and my acne problem had almost disappeared.

Then I read about taking it internally and decided to try that for the other health benefits as well. I weigh 45 kilos, so Ive been taking only a tablespoon VCO a day in the morning.

The first day I felt nothing, the second I broke out on the right sid of my face something bad. It was a cluster of pimples that refused to surface and just sat there under the skin! It was very painful. The third day, I had more painful spots along my jaw and the left side had two more painful pimples. But I stuck to the oil, halved my carbs intake and kept up a topical application of VCO. By day four, the pain was less, and it kept getting better throughout the day! Now it's day five and the pimples are coming to a head, are completely painless and my complexion has brightened! Over the last year my skin had gotten pretty dark and I thought maybe it was the coconut oil that was pushing the day's tan along. But today, suddenly, my face is three shades lighter! It's strange, I was even in the sun all day today! I guess it's the internal coconut oil working to push out toxins.

Now that I'm taking the VCO internally, I find I have a lot more energy, my skin has a healthy (albiet, pimply) glow and I feel great! I apply VCO on my face and rub it in gently, leaving it on overnight and washing in the morning.

My teeth are whiter too! I simply brush with coconut oil every day, no Western toothpaste for me, haha! I had a problem with pretty yellow incissors and now they are slowly becoming whiter and whiter and my mouth feels super clean!

I love VCO!

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Mihel (Clinton Twp, Mi) on 01/09/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using this miracle food for a month or so now, and it has benefitted me in ways that I can't fathom would be possible with any other store-bought stuff, such as lotion. In the Winter, my hands crack and get very dry and have broken skin spots all over my palms. Since I've been using coconut oil in my hair as a natural gel, a face moisturizer, chap stick, and lotion, just having the oil on my hands has made perfectly soft and healthy and crack-free.

I use the oil to make a toothpaste and natural deodorant, which works wonders. I also have been losing much bad weight by taking a tablespoon of it daily by mouth. I've been cooking with it, and let me say, it seems to bring out the flavor in my food, rather make it taste oily and greasy like other cooking oils. My partner has been taking the oil by mouth each day also, and it has cured his gingivitis completely. The oil is a godsend, truly. I find that it has boosted my immune system, also.

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Chris (Singapore) on 10/03/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, I was pretty open to trying coconut oil being a lover of all things coconutty from young. I started taking 3 tablespoons of this oil daily and applying this oil on my face. I can report the following benefits so far: very good bowel movements (not that I had bad ones before but there is a definite improvement), more restful sleep and my complexion is certainly looking and feeling softer. I didn't think I'd describe it such but it really feels that way. [Would like to see some weight loss off me... There's been about 3 pounds shed... So, we'll see]. This has only been for a month since I started using (consuming and applying externally) it.

Recently, I've started having this itchy scalp which has so called 'degenerated' into dry flakiness as well! I've tried every anti-dandruff shampoo there is available - the bottles line my shelf in the bathroom, believe me! - yet I'm still scratching my itchy flaky head like mad! Anyhow, last night, I've decided that I'll massage coconut oil to my scalp each night and shampoo my hair in the morning daily and see how it goes... Today's the first day after a coconut oil hair treatment and the itching is less intense. At least I got by today's work without having to scratch my head silly behind closed doors!!!

Watch this space, folks... and to all you consumers of coconut oil, I hope you're enjoying a better quality of life now...

Time to give my head that coconut-oil massage now... :)

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Arizona_sunsets (Casa Grande, Arizona, U.s.a.) on 03/18/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking coconut oil 2 weeks ago, my local vitamin store(I live in a small town)and they only had coconut oil pills, I have been taking two pills a day(knowing that starting in moderation was the best idea). The bottle lists them as extra virgin, pure nature coconut oil, cold pressed.

Today, I got regular coconut oil by mail, and also found to my surprise that a local grocery store carried it, but it is more expensive than the mail order.

I am a female who is 38 years old, I was put on simvastatin for high cholesteral, and was having really bad side affects, then I started researching "statins" on the internet and could not believe the potential damage they can do to your body, including destroying muscle tissue! I quit taking the cholesterol pills.

Here are some benefits I have had from taking the coconut oil pills so far:

Menstrual- My period started early, usually painful, this time it was not, however my "flow" was heavy, and only lasted 4 days! I am happy about that.

Reduction in hunger-Often, at night I would wake up hungry, that does not happen since I have started taking the coconut oil pills. I believe I have also lost some weight as well. My hunger is not as "demanding" as it was before.

Sinus Issues-I while back I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, and had sinus infection and general problems on a regular basis, my sinus issues have pretty much stopped entirely since starting on these pills.

Acid Reflux/Bad Digestion-Gone! I have had this problem for a LONG time, now it is gone. After trying different enzymes, prevacid, and tons of other stuff, no more stomach problems! It is hard to believe.

When I first started taking the pills, I did experience a feeling that kind of fit the term "brain fog", I have since started only taking them later in the evening after I eat dinner, (since I experience problems with insomnia, I am also seeing if they help with that)and that seems to be a better time for me to take them.

I am trying the new oil on my hair and skin, before I shower, as I type this.

The oil tastes so much better than I expected! It is expeller pressed, so there is no overly strong coconut scent, it is a very lite, slightly creamy taste, and is less expensive. I will def. eventually try cooking with it as well.

I have had diarrhea twice since starting to take the COP's, however, this is something I have had off and on before, and at the first sign of it, I took two charcoal pills, and it did not continue.

I am going to also experiment and see if I get different results from the straight oil versus the pills.

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Pattyc (Milwaukee, Wi) on 02/12/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have "accidentally" found 2 cures using Coconut Oil. The first was when I had a terrible case of bacterial vaginosis. Every over the counter remedy I tried did not work and I was going on one month of having this infection, trying different medications and finally before I decided to go to the doctor to get a prescription, I tried some coconut oil in place of the other medicines, and the next day it was gone.

The 2nd instance of a cure was for my minor hemorrhoids, which are an occasional reminder of being in labor for 12 hours. Usually a little Preparation H will take care of it, but the most recent incident, the Preparation H was working only slightly, and this went on for almost 2 weeks. Usually this medicine works in a few days and it's gone but not this time. So I thought "what the heck" and tried some coconut oil on the hemorrhoid, and it was gone by the next morning... AMAZING!

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Sheri (Thibodaux, Louisiana) on 02/05/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using Organic "Unrefined" Coconut Oil for going on nine years. It has cured my Fibromyalgia and Arthiritis as well as my weight problem. Please note that I also changed my diet to an organic way of eating. My skin is beautiful and ageless. IT Works! End of story.
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