How To Take Internally for Coconut Oil

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Jarrod (Fillmore, CA) on 10/16/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Coconut Oil -- This stuff is the truth!!! I used to take a tablespoon straight up, but that made me sick. So now I use it to cook my eggs. I also spread it on my toast with some local honey drizzled on there. mmmmmm.... I totally notice an increase with energy! And it's delicious!

Warren (Costa Mesa, California) on 09/23/2007
5 out of 5 stars

It seems odd that so many people have side effects from using vco. I've been using it for oil pulling since the taste is so pleasant. I use at least one tablespoon with a little honey with a jigger of ACV in the morning. No side effects for this 76 year old kid. Now if I could only cure my emphysema.

Jann (Sydney, Australia) on 04/29/2007
5 out of 5 stars

i have only just started tacking vco and with starting anything new for the first time i would highly recommend starting on the smallest dose possible to see if you have any negative reactions (healing crisis included). the desire to be healed quickly unfortunatley means we have a tendacny to take the maximum doseage first up. While this may be alright for some people, i would still proceed with caution. i have a very sensative digestive system - ibs, and have only started taking 5mls daily and have had no negative reactions.

Mel (Waterford, Connecticut, USA) on 04/16/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I feel a better understaning has to be presented in regards to how much EVCO should be ingested at the very start of using this product. As I believe the best way to start using this product is in cooking only to see if you can tolerate its effects. After a couple of weeks, try weaning on a 1/8 tsp in food for a few days, then up it to 1/4 tsp, then eventually to one teaspoon. Move up gradually to a maximum of one tablespoon once a day. I feel once a day is enough to get the benefits of EVCO. Please make sure it's Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ONLY! You will be safe if you will take these precautions. If you still have a problem digesting EVCO, you may be allergic to coconut products.

Christine (San Diego, California) on 04/06/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering with the symptoms describing hypothyroidism. Last week I started the EVCO and added the ACV, of course, decided to throw in the molasses. I will keep you all posted on my progress, trying to feel better and lose the 40 pounds I have picked up. Today I write because I have come up with a great drink. It kills two birds with one stone. Here goes:

ONE TBSP EVCO [Extra Virgin Coconut Oil]


I could not stand the taste of the molasses, however it is so yummy in this tea. Hope you like it. I have noticed since the evco and acv that like most everyone else, my ENERGY has soared, skin soft, body temp up, hair and nails gowing, dry seriously cracking heels softer and healing (using oil dirrectly) no more claritin, sleeping better, brighter outlook. This is only my seventh day. At first I seemed to gain a little weight, but just today I noticed the scale is down 1 pound. I am keeping at it and will keep you posted. Christine


Laurin (KC, MO, USA) on 03/12/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have used coconut oil for years. I usually buy a large jar (long shelf life and stable) for cost purposes. The first thing I noticed is my nails do not break when I am taking it; if I run out they will begin to break again. I think it is the medium chain tryglicerides that help - we don't get enough of those in our diet. I use coconut oil with a small amount of olive oil for sautéing veggies, and sometime I will make a fudgelike dish using a little cocoa, a little sugar and coconut oil to help it go down instead of taking it plain on the spoon. But I also take it and spread it on a piece of Ezekiel bread (flourless bread) and add either a banana or a little jelly. To me it tastes great but I have trained myself over the years. Then I also use the coconut milk which is great in curries. It has the needed fat and I love Panang anything.
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Pam (Salem, OR) on 02/27/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have just recently read about the health benefits of virgin coconut oil but was having a hard time figuring out how to take it as I cannot stomach eating it off a spoon or in a shake. I used the air popper to make pop corn and put the coconut oil in the butter melter section, then poured it over my pop corn. If you eat it immediately it doesn't taste as good as if you let it sit for a little while. I made it after breakfast, used a little butter flavored salt on it, then I ate it for lunch. It is SO yummy.

Weng (the Philippines) on 01/04/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Coconut Oil and Coconut Milk: Shines hair, soft skin, (c-oil) good for cooking vegetables, meat like chicken or pork (c-milk). Coconut oil has a lot of things for good, you can use it on your hair as a conditioner or use it as lotion on your skin. While, coconut Milk is good for cooking, we usually used it for cooking vegetables or meat for our meals. It's so delicious everybody loves it.

Grace (Manila, Philippines) on 12/01/2006
5 out of 5 stars

First, I would like to clarify what is the difference between Coconut oil and the Virgin coconut oil (VCO). Philippines national tree is the coconut tree, and coconut oil has been used by our people since time in memorial. anyway, coconut oil is being used for cooking alone. then there is another kind of coconut oil that is being cooked in our own kitchen that produces brown color, this oil is good for the skin and hair. Believe me i've been using this from child and i have the shiniest hair ever. Now, there's another coconut oil which is called Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). The oil was extracted from coconut thru cold pressed. the opposite of the second coconut oil i mentioned. now, this oil can be drunk and applied on hair and skin. I used both the 2nd and 3rd coconut oil for my skin alternately. I always have insect bites that leaves ugly scars, and coconut oil heals it and the ugly scars will be gone. I also use this as my moisturizer. There are researches about coconut oil (VCO) ... it was said that coconut oil can cure cancer but i am not sure if this is already proven. I can say that Philippines produces the best coconut oil products. I guess, this is one of our secrets why we have beautiful and younger looking skin and very shiny hair :) by the way, since coconut oil solidifies during cold weather, we now have coconut oil in capsules.. just an FYI.

June (South Australia) on 08/24/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Coconut Oil has cured my arthritic pain, balanced blood sugar, given me energy and reduced lines and wrinkles. After reading all the positive results I found a place in Australia that sells excellent C/oil. I take three tablespoons a day (one each meal) I also use it externally on my skin, with amazing results. I had no side effects, nor has it altered my cholesterol reading. Mixed with a hot lemon drink with turmeric is a good start to the day. Mixed with yogurt or cottage cheese, muesli and fruit is also delicious. I stopped taking Glucosamine when I started the C/oil and have not taken any since.

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