Hiv for Coconut Oil

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Lynn (Saskatoon, Canada) on 01/19/2008
5 out of 5 stars

While the word cure is a very final type of word, I would like to say that Coconut oil has been a welcome remedy in my life for the HIV virus. More and more information is becoming available about how the monolaurin and lauric acid in organic virgin coconut oil does its work to literally kill lipid-coated viruses such as HIV. I have been taking VCO off and on and have seen my viral load of 1100 (when 1st diagnosed) digress to 570 6 months later. I will be having another test shortly. My doctor said it was unusual for the virus to digress without medication, letting it not progress is one thing, to have it go backwards is another. Coconut oil remedies so many other ailments too, my skin feels amazing and its the only thing I use on my skin. You shouldn't put on your skin something you wouldn't ingest. Your skin is your biggest organ. I am a loyal user of this product and grateful to hear it endorsed by people like Gary Null.
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Jay (Manila, Phillipines) on 12/22/2006
5 out of 5 stars

In the Philippines, studies have shown that coconut oil can cure HIV. Test subjects were given at least 12 tablespoon of coconut oil a day, and and after 6 months, HIV have been cured. I had no time to confirm this report but the story had been featured several times in radio and tv programs.