Chia Seed Health Benefits

Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Modified on Jun 20, 2021

Chia seeds may be tiny, but these little seeds pack such a punch they are considered a superfood. Chia seeds are an inexpensive source of nutrients and energy. They are a popular natural remedy that can be used to reduce blood sugar, suppress appetite and relieve constipation.

What are the Nutritional Benefits of Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are high in fiber, fat and protein but low in carbohydrate, making them a suitable source of energy for those on low carb diets. Low carb diets are often lacking in fiber, which is something chia seeds have plenty of.

One ounce of chia seeds contain 10 grams of fiber (40% of the RDA), 12 grams of carbohydrate (4% of the RDA), 9 grams of fat (13% of the RDA) and almost 5 grams of protein (9% of the RDA.)

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