Cayenne Pepper for Prevents Colds and Flu

5 star (1) 

Barbara (Baltimore, MD) on 12/26/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

From infancy through childhood, teenage years, young and middle adulthood I have always been blessed with excellent health -- with one exception: I suffered from one cold and sore throat after another.

While none ever progressed to pneumonia, I would recover from one and then two weeks later feel the start of the next cold. Yet I have never smoked and have had excellent health habits.

For whatever reason, about 15 years ago I started to take 2-4 cayenne pepper capsules a day. A miracle occurred. Since then, I rarely contract a cold -- maybe one a year and not as severe as the ones I used to experience.

I can't laud the properties of cayenne enough. Be sure to swallow the capsule with enough liquid and you'll have no uncomfortable effect.

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