Mood Enhancer for Cayenne Pepper

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Bow Rain (Portland, Oregon) on 10/18/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I've been having the same experience for about 10 days now. I started taking cayenne to help me knick some "under the weather" feelings that were going around the office. Coworkers were feverish, phlegmy, etc and I wanted no part of it. Goodness me, my mood has gone through the roof! I seriously went to journal today because I don't remember any of the things I was so upset about, ha. It's like the pattern of inconsistent moods has been completely interrupted... My mind just doesn't go there. I don't suffer from depression but I haven't felt this consistently jovial and energetic outside of times when I was working out every single day. It's fantastic and I feel so alert and even-keeled.
REPLY   11      

Autumn (CA, USA) on 06/06/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I was feeling down and a little depressed. I was eating lunch, and put a little too much cayenne pepper on my lasagne (more than usual). After about 5 minutes, I was feeling so much better ! My depression just seem to "go away" and I had a jolt of sustained energy. By the way, I was drinking orange juice at the time. It is said that the folic acid in orange juice will enhance any mood enhancing (anti-depressant) substance. I definitely will be eating more cayenne pepper.
REPLY   10      

Lisa (Newton, MA) on 10/18/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I started to put a bit of Cayenne pepper, along with some lemon juice into my morning tea, as an immune booster, but, I must say, I have found that I have been in an extremely energetic and jovial mood. I had not noticed this until yesterday, my 3rd day doing this regimen---just thought I would share.
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