Cayenne Pepper for Hemorrhaging

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Rob (Kentucky) on 09/29/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Old West frontier herbalists doctors would use cayenne pepper to save people from gunshot wounds. Mixed with water in the form of a 'tea', and given orally to the victim. In most cases, by the time the herbalist would count to ten, the bleeding would stop.

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Cate (Sacramento, California) on 12/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Deeper research yet would show that Cayenne is a blood thinner UNTIL oxygen comes into the equation. Once that happens coagulation is the opposing result. I could get very scientific in my explanation but for those of you confused as to how it can accomplish both, study harder yet...

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Karenna (SF, CA) on 06/01/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Cayenne is NOT unsafe per one of your feedback customers. I recently found your website in some research I am doing on Cayenne and Lymph but was a little disconcerted to see that you published someone's testimonial warning others not to use cayenne if they do not want their blood thinned.

Posted by Amy (New Haven, CT) on 02/18/2007: Love your site but wanted to let you know that the reason you are supposed to stop taking cayenne pepper before surgery has nothing whatsoever to do with inflammation (which in most cases it doesn't cause anyhow). The reason is that Cayenne Pepper is a very effective blood thinner and so, like aspirin, you don't take it prior to surgery, to ensure minimal blood loss.

Cayenne is used in midwifery and in other instances when needed to stop hemorrhaging, and has the ability to correct and balance both ends of many circulation issues. It will assist in dissolving clots as well as stopping bleeding, and it will -- over time -- correct both high and low blood pressure.

I suggest to all readers that when it comes to benefits and contraindications of herbs and medications, that they exhaustive research, or at least more than they think is necessary, to discover what they need to know for their particular situation or those for whom they are caring.

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