Cayenne Pepper for Heart Issues

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Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon Uk) on 10/31/2012:
1 out of 5 stars


CAYENNE PEPPER WARNING- My 80 year old father in law recently had neck surgery to replace 2 discs that had trapped his nerves, he was becoming paralysed, he lost his bladder control and had to have a bag and catheter fitted, on removal the doc notice that his prostrate was hard and enlarged, We recommended that he start on cayenne pepper slowly and build up over a few weeks, the hope is that pepper should improve his blood circulation which will help his nerves heal quicker as well as de-clog his prostrate that was probably blocked from the catheter and poor flow, well he loves curry and all things hot so took quite a lot from the start, after 10 days or so my wife received a phone call from her mother saying her father had had a stroke! He was ok but it had set his recovery back (from nerve damage) a few weeks, when I quizzed him about the pepper he confessed to liking it and taking a lot more than suggested, (more than ½ tsp. 2 x daily) he just can't taste it like most do! It was a pretty hot one too, not a cheap store bought.

Any how, he has had 2 heart attacks and a quadruple bypass many , many years ago ( even though he is has never smoked and was a keen athlete! ) I suspect he is a little clogged up and the pepper acted to unblock him just a little too quickly removing all sorts of nasty stuff from his arteries and possible causing the stroke? he has resumed the pepper but at a pinch daily with the aim of increasing slowly over the weeks, fingers crossed this time, ironically cayenne is touted to stop strokes!

The lesson here is if you are just starting on cayenne pepper don't take the whole jar in one go! Build up slowly- its powerful stuff!

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London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 09/02/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

My Mother was up for a bypass about 20 years ago. She's been taking cayenne pepper for years, and she swears it's kept her alive this whole time. She has hardening of the arteries, aswell. You can use EXTRA hot or african bird pepper too, although it may kill your stomach you need to take milk or cheese with it, to coat your stomach. She eats alot of dairy and butter in her diet, and she doesn't have the healthiest diet in the world but the cayenne pepper has done wonders for her.

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Tiger Dunn (Jandowae Qld, Australia) on 12/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Heart attack relief with Cayenne Pepper:

The thirty second cure from the symptoms of a heart attack coming on: One level teaspoon full of cayenne pepper into a glass of hot water and stir well. when cool enough drink down and wait for some relief if symptions persist have another glass of cayenne pepper the gap should be 15 minutes. If you are not near a doctor or help this will help stimulate the system.

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Doris (Santa Ana, CA USA) on 04/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Had 2 slight heart attacks age 28 and 32. Scary one at age 34. Always felt so frail, tho ok health but high stress work and poor diet-sooo much coffee. At 38 yrs was electrocuted by faulty computer eqpmt, lost left-side arm use 1 and half to 2 yrs. During that 1 and half, at about 1 yr, strain from the injury caused a 30-second stroke. I watch clock, fully mentally ok, but was physically immobile entire time, couldn't breath, no heartbeat, nothing. Then it just stopped. I was SO weak always from then on. 3 yrs later married, had child, was always terribly tired. Read in heart surgery book about cayenne being able to stop even a heart attack while in progress. I take a pinch (1/4 tsp) cayenne in 4oz water 2 times wkly. Feel better with 5 minutes - energy stamina breathing is easier, circulation feels ramped up to normal. Still tire, not not as without cayenne. Never regained full strength or mobility from electr. injury but dexterity in fingers did return. Strength is still 3lbs., Best, not nearly so drag-out tired. Cayenne is great - in tomato juice or water. Only a pinch is needed. In V8 or regular tomato juice, cayenne goes easy. I put cayenne on hard boiled eggs, hot flavor hides well in grape or orange juice too. Has improved my cholesterol too.
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Jenny (Atlanta) on 01/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

My husband used to take cayenne every morning and never got colds flu or any sicknesses. Cayenne is good for the heart, circulation etc and he got it from the Native Americans who take the extra strength (heat) powder and have a lot less heart problems. We used to make a shake every morning with cayenne, carrot ,celery, garlic and ginger. I can't say it tasted very good but he downed about a pint. Paradoxically he then stopped off at 711 for a flavored coffee -- ugh!
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