Arthritis for Borax

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DANIEL G. (CALIFORNIA) on 02/05/2024:
5 out of 5 stars

FLORIDATED WATER the fluoride they are putting in our water is a toxic chemical version of fluoride that comes for nuclear power plants

fluoride in our water toothpaste s all toxic poison

Borax removes this toxin from the body

google it -- fluoridated water comes from a fluoride that is a toxic chemical that comes from all the nuclear power plants

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Daniel H (CALIFORNIA ) on 02/05/2024:
5 out of 5 stars

Herbs and Supplements for anemia:

  • Astragalus.
  • Copper.
  • Dong Quai.
  • Iron.
  • Spirulina.
  • Stinging Nettle.
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  • <

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    chickenpatti13 (U S) on 01/18/2024:
    5 out of 5 stars

    I started taking Borax to remove the fluoride from my bones more than 10 years ago. At that time, I was having to get pain shots almost monthly so I could walk due to rheumatoid arthritis.After starting Borax, I didn't notice any changes right away but I quit taking it after a couple of months because I ran out of bottled water. Within 2 weeks in July, I woke up, could hardly move&was so sore&stiff&in pain. As a former nurse, I started looking at what changed&I kept coming back to the Borax. After a little more research, I learned Borax was an old time arthritis treatment.I started taking it again&went back to no pain or stiffness in my bones&continue to this day. I put 1/8th teaspoon in my coffee at least 5 times a week. People have seen me before&after Borax&I tell them what I do&I get crazy looks.No one else will try it but I digress.While I'm still chasing chickens&climbing into tree stands, they can barely get off their couch.The best part about Borax-relief from arthritis symptoms, no more pain shots & no side effects like many arthritis medications. My doctor is amazed because she thought I'd be in a wheelchair by now. I'm almost 60 y o&I'm not going to let arthritis ruin the rest of my life. My question is-is arthritis today a real disease or is it consequences of drinking fluoridated water?
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    Art (California) on 11/18/2023:
    5 out of 5 stars

    A friend's sister from Texas was out visiting her sister near me about 8 months ago and she was telling me that she thought this would be her last time coming to visit her sister because her arthritis hurt so much that the travel by plane to visit her sister was really difficult and painful because of her arthritis. I suggested that she might give some consideration to borax, but she seemed really reluctant at first so I told her that I have used borax to keep my arthritis in remission for about 15 years now. She told me she would try it because the pain was really getting unbearable. By the time she went home to Texas, she had started taking borax water at 1/8th teaspoon per day on the weekdays with weekends off.

    I picked her up at the local airport last week to take her to my friend's house. I told her that I thought she wasn't going to visit her sister any more because of her arthritis and she said that was her plan, but since being on borax for about a month or so, she no longer has any arthritis pain, so she can now come visit her sister regularly again, thanks to borax! She told me she still takes it and has recommended it to her friend's mother in Texas because it has worked so well for her.


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    Mark (Wilmington, NC ) on 08/27/2023:
    5 out of 5 stars

    Follow-up from my 1st post 3/19/23. Today is 8/27/23, and I wanted to give a follow-up report.

    I'm still taking the borax, I'm now taking 1/8 teaspoon a day, Mon-Fri, and none on weekends. I'm still pain free, no arthritis, no sciatic nerve pain in back and legs, and no carpet tunnel. I initially felt a surge of energy and well-being, but that reduced after about a month of taking borax. Although I was basically pain free, I started to have less energy like I had before taking borax. But I tried changing my diet, and so far I've felt better and have more energy. I've gone basically (added)sugar-free, wheat-free and corn -free, and I definitely feel better with more energy!!! I still eat some potatoes, some rice, fruit, but I try to eat half the portions I used to, and this has helped my energy a lot!!! I've cut out sweets, candy, cakes, cookies, pies, ice cream, cereals, milk, (everything I love! ). I've gone from 193lbs to 177. If you have low energy, you will know in 2 weeks if this diet change works! Do not try to go carb-free!!! It will ruin your metabolism like it did mine years ago!

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    Karen (Red Rock, Arizona) on 08/23/2023:
    5 out of 5 stars

    I would lessen the amount to half... Start low then work up slowly. I'm a believer in borax. I used it in my hair when it began to fall out dramatically after I got covid. In one week's use, it reversed my hair problem.... Yet I did get some hives and was uncomfortable.

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    Pam (Phenix City Alabama ) on 08/19/2023:
    4 out of 5 stars

    Better But With Side Effects

    Hi, I started taking an 1/8 tsp in a capsule about six weeks ago. After 8 straight days, my palms started itching. So I stopped taking it for about a week, then started back taking it every other day for 2 weeks. At the end of the 2 weeks I started taking it again every day hoping my body would have gotten used to it. After a week and a half of taking it every day, I woke up (I take it at night before bed) and began to feel stomach cramps followed closely by terrible diarrhea, feeling nauseous, itching palms and feet, feeling faint, and I broke out in a sweat and got hives and whelps all over my body and face! Even my eyes were red and bloodshot! I was alone at home, so it was scary. I really don't want to stop taking it because for the first time in years I have had no arthritis pain! But now I am afraid to continue taking it. Should I stop all together? Take less than the 1/8 tsp per day? Take it every other day? Please help!
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    Marion (Scotland ) on 08/13/2023:
    5 out of 5 stars

    I too experienced flue, fever symptoms but after speaking with some people I now believe that these symptoms are some of the ways that your body gets toxins out. Boron helps to get rid of toxins / bad bacteria that cause inflammation which can result in arthritic and other diseases. I have no pain after taking borax. I dilute 1 rounded tsp in a litre of filtered water which I store in the fridge in a glass jar. I then take two tsps of this in a small glass of water 2x a day, usually 4 days on and 4 days off. It also helped me with candida.

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    King (Perth Australia) on 08/12/2023:
    5 out of 5 stars

    I have been on borax, a quarter of a teaspoon and a teaspoon of MSM for two months. Absolutely no arthritic pain anywhere. I thought I was heading for a wheelchair but now I'm out and about and loving life. The freedom from pain is unbelievable if you've heard about it and you're teetering on the edge whether to try it, I will tell you jump right in its marvellous all the best 🌸
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    Art (California) on 07/17/2023:
    5 out of 5 stars

    The sister of a friend of mine was visiting from Texas and her arthritis was really bothering her. I discussed borax water with her and after a little back and forth with her, she decided to give it a try. At two weeks in she said she could already feel an improvement and even more at three weeks in. She flew home at that point and said she would update me in a few months to let me know how well she does using borax. She is using the 1/8th teaspoon dose in water each day of the week with weekends off.

    At the same time, her sister who is my friend and has osteoporosis decided to start on a regimen I had suggested for her which included borax water also, because borax is also good for osteoporosis. Her doctor wanted her to take a drug that required her to inject herself and she refused to do it so she asked me about alternatives. I won't know her results for some time because it takes quite awhile to help osteoporosis that is as bad as hers, but I will report them when she has them.


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