Borax and Sodium Bicarb Remedy

Borax and Baking Soda Health Benefits

Modified on Nov 17, 2023

Two basic natural substances, borax and sodium bicarbonate (also known as baking soda), boast numerous applications and can be combined to create a highly effective treatment for various health problems, including fungal infections, advanced joint degeneration, and fatigue.

In September 2017, a reader* kindly divulged a remedy that a Russian pharmacist had provided years before to address his severely damaged knees. Faced with the prospect of knee surgery, he decided to give this seemingly straightforward solution a try. Fortunately, his decision to test the remedy led to rapid healing and ultimately allowed him to avoid surgery.

How to Prepare a Borax-Baking Soda Solution


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    List of Remedies for Borax & Baking Soda Combo