ACV for Weight Loss for Weight Loss Reader Feedback

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Austin06 (Austin, Tx) on 11/04/2010:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I also experienced weight loss with ACV (about 10-15 pounds, I'm not very overweight), but then noticed the weight loss stopped, and I have gained a bit. I'm wondering why. I know the ACV has other benefits too, but wonder why the weight issues after a year's use.

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Ank (Herndon, Virginia, Usa) on 10/28/2010:
1 out of 5 stars

I am taking ACV from last 1 week but seeing no diff. Pls tell me the way I should take it. I am 5'4" and weighed 131 pounds I am not overweight but wnt to lose 7-10 pounds to look better. Thanks

Meenu (Vancouver, Bc Canada) on 10/09/2010:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Firstly my sincere regards n thanks to all of u for this truly amazing site. I've been reading for almost 3 months n at last started taking ACV (ORGANIC WITH MOTHER) 2 tsp daily to begin with then 2 weeks ago started cooking with Virgin Coconut Oil (ORGANIC) NOW I'VE added Blackstrap Molasses (organic unsulphered). I feel nice small changes like no muscle/joint pains less acidity mood is cheerful, most of the time I feel fresh n alert, but I seem to be more constipated, n gaining weight, looks like as if I have swelling especially on my face n neck. Please advice if I need to do anything differently. Once again THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

Peggy (Colorado Springs, Colorado) on 09/12/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Since I drink it now daily, the organic ACV, I am bloated and 2 sizes bigger in the evening. Has anyone experienced that too, meaning getting severely bloated? I wear in the morning size 10 jeans/shorts and later in the afternoon, I need to change to my biggest size I had, size 14. It also feels like a thunderstorm in my belly; this was NOT the case prior to the Apple Cider Vinegar.

Cindy (Tallahassee, Florida, Usa) on 08/11/2010:
5 out of 5 stars


This is my very first post on EC so I hope I've posted this in the right place. I'm so happy to find this web site! I started reading about using ACV to treat FMS/CFS right away and I couldn't pull myself away from the computer for the next 3 or 4 hours. I went right out and bought a bottle of organic ACV and began the treatment the next morning. At the same time I got rid of anything in the house that had artificial sweetener or MSG in it. I've been mixing 2 tsp. In 8 oz. of vegetable juice along with a sprinkle of cyanne pepper. I drink this with my morning pills and again before bed. I'm also eating very healthy, balanced meals and drinking lots of distilled water. Results so far - Today's only my 5th. Day so haven't seen any improvement in pain level, but I've lost 3 or 4 lbs. , probably water weight. I'm also eating more healthy. I want to add regular exercise, but I'm going to wait a week as I'm going on a 6 day house sitting job. I'll come back and post an update in a week or so. Thanks you from the bottom of my heart for this web site EC! I plan to spend a lot of time reading and participating on this wonderful site.


Lori (Rapid River, Mi) on 06/17/2010:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I started taking ACV (w/ the mother) last summer and dropped a lot of weight. After taking the ACV for a year, though, the loss has stopped, and now I gain weight when taking ACV. Any suggestions? Thanks! Lori

Deborah (Houston, Tx) on 05/26/2010:
1 out of 5 stars

Your post sounds a lot like my experience. I read and heard so many awesome things about ACV. I weigh 172, which includes the 5 lbs. I gained when I began the ACV over a month ago? I took 2t in an 8 oz. water 3x a day. Sometimes I'd mix my ACV with green tea. Totally disappointing. I wonder why it works on some people and not on others?

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Angelina (Toronto, Ontario) on 04/26/2010:
1 out of 5 stars

Hello all, I have been using ACV for a month now and have not noticed any difference it my weight. I mix 4 tbsp with 4 cups of water and sip throughtout the day. In the night, I mix 2 tbsp with 2 cups of water and drink it before bed. Please tell me what am I doing wrong. I am 170 lbs and trying to lose at least 20 lbs. Please help!! Thank you

John (East Peoria, Illinois, Usa) on 03/24/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I truly do believe that ACV has helped me lose weight. I am now on a strict diet and exercise program but, the ACV helped me dramatically lose inches off of my waist. ALSO, for people like me who want to lose FAT and don't care so much about the number on the scale: it is in my personal belief that the high acidic levels in the vinegar cause the enzymes in the fat cells to break down, therefore causing a loss in fat. I love ACV! It tastes horrid at first but, after a while you truly do get used to it. AND AND AND don't be afraid of what other people say like "it will cause cancer" or "there's no miracle cure". Everyone's body is different and therefore you can be your own judge (: Love yourself, even if you have a little extra something. There truly is no one to compare to you because you are the only you there is.
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Crazydogjack (New Castle, Pa, Usa) on 03/18/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm changing my Nay to Yea! Since starting the ACV July 2009, I have lost a total of 16.5 lbs. to date! I do not crave sweets and I have alot more energy. I am eating smaller portions as well. Those of you trying this for weight loss don't give up...stick with it. There are so many other positive benefits to ACV anyway so drink it anyway!

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