ACV for Weight Loss for Weight Loss Reader Feedback

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Farzan (Hopkins, MN) on 08/28/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

I started taking Apple cider vinegar after seeing all the wonderful feedback on your site.But it didn't work for me. Instead of losing the few unwanted pounds, I think I have gained 5 lbs over the past few days despite having more of fruits and vegetables. I have been taking 2 tsps of it 3 times everyday an hour before food. But I have not experienced any of the benefits listed. Maybe its not for .me. Good luck to all the others out there.

Becky (Wichita, Kansas) on 08/06/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I have never had a weight problem, before after retiring from my job at the age of 46, and being a house wife, I've gained about 50lbs. I have tried everything to lose the weight, walking, joining health clubs, low carbs diets, grapefruit diets, you name it i've tried. Then one day my sister told me about the Hollywood diet which I was suppose to lose up to 10 lbs in 48 hrs. Well I did try it and lost about 3 lbs in 48hrs. Well that wasn't good enough for me since the product was a little expensive way out of my budget to continue to buy it.. Then I just got a thought of what was in the Hollywood diet the main ingredients was vinegar and fruit juices. So I thought it must be the vinegar that causes you to lose the weight and decided to look of vinegar and came up on your website. To make a long story short I tried one the reader recipes for ACV diet and how amazing it was. I have been on the ACV diet and have lost 10lbs in one week. Thanks to you for sharing your website with me and thanks to the readers for putting their experiences with ACV on here for us to read. Keep up the good work! God Bless You!
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Ricky (Walnut Creek, CA) on 08/03/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm 27 and recently came across this site for acid reflux and saw all the talk about ACV. At first i thought "what a scam" but i'll try, i was desperate. I've been taking acv for about 2 weeks or so, i can't be believe it but i've really lost about ten pounds in 2 weeks. I've stuck to a healthy diet, lots of greens and lot and lots of water. At first i started taking it for acid reflux and digestive problems, and it's works. I thought something else was wrong when i started dropping the weight but it's the acv. It didn't work right away but after a week or so i noticed results! Try it yourself, just remember everybody's different what works for one person might not work for the next.
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Veronica (El Paso, TX) on 08/02/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking 4tbls. of acv with 1/4 cup of o.j. before meals and have felt less hungry. My clothes fit better and my family has noticed that I have lost weight. They also have begun doing the diet. Does anybody know of any hazards to taking acv?

Doris (St. John NB) on 06/21/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking 2 tbsps. in 8oz of water once a day 3 months ago and lost 20 pounds. I have more energy as well. Am going to start taking it 3 times a day with meals. I was glad I went to this site as I thought that you only took it once a day. I think it it is just great!
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Phee (Louisville, KY) on 06/13/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Trust me when I say I am a huge skeptic of just about everything! I happened upon an article about ACV aiding with weight loss and since I am 54 and at the end of my rope trying to lose even 20 of the 50 pounds I need to, I decided to give it a try. I started taking a tablespoon 3x's a day and I am being totally honest I started feeling "different" almost immediately. I first noticed I had energy for the first time in a long time. I wasn't sluggish after lunch and didn't want to hit the couch the first thing after work. Then miracle of miracles I started sleeping better, maybe that is due to having more energy to take brisk walks in the evening but whatever the reason, I am liking it. Now the biggie. My appetite has decreased unbelievably! I am satisfied with much smaller portions and sweets have lost there appeal to me! I got on the scale this morning and am down 5 lbs, without suffering one bit! I am almost afraid to tell people about this because I still can't believe it myself. Where has ACV been all my life? The puffiness in my face and hands is going down so quickly I can hardly recognize myself. I am convinced the ACV is flushing a lot of toxins out of my body. I am totally excited about this and for the first time in a long time I actually feel hopeful about losing some weight. All of the other benefits are a bonus! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Saniya (Geelong Victoria) on 06/03/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

i have a problem of irregular periods and due that my weight is increasing, i suffer from acidity also. but after drinking it for regular 5-6 days with 2 spoons of ACV in warm water and 3 times a day, there is no effect. But in fact my acidity became severe. i just want to know was it the wrong dose i was taking, has it really worked for weight loss, if yes then why not for me. I really need some good suggestions.

Hermione (London) on 05/26/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

cider vinegar and honey was very helpful with arthritis. I think this is helping after only a month, BUT I have put on 6 lbs. I have been on holiday eating pasta but don't generally put on weight. Is it likely this is caused by the cider vinegar treatment?

Sam (Birmingham) on 05/15/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

I have been on this site. sounds wonderful that people are losing weight, so i also tried it but i had no success in it. Do you have to have a low-fat diet when taking the Apple Cider vinegar to work, and is it before meals or after. Thanks Great Site keep it up!

Anthony (Fort Meyers, FL) on 05/08/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

As far as the fat burning (weight loss) properties ACV supposedly has, I must say yet again it falls well short of expectations. Having been a personal trainer now for about 10 years, I carefully monitored my weight and body fat percentage during the intake of this remedy. After checking both before, during, and after the intake of this remedy, I can say without question that it has no fat-burning properties whatsoever. If anyone had experienced weight-loss from this product, it was merely that they were filling up on this calorie-free liquid rather than other things they'd be eating at the time. However, it has no fat-burning properties whatsoever.
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