High Cholesterol for Apple Cider Vinegar

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Sathiananthen (Singapore) on 02/14/2010
5 out of 5 stars


I have been taking ACV for almost some time now.
Reason high cholesterol and so on.
My reading taken on the 23/10/09
Cholesterol 7.73, Trigleycerides 1.33, HDL-C 0.94, LDL-C 6.19 and Chol: HDL Ratio 8.22 all in mmol/L measurment. I went on an offensive method thats ACV 2 cap full, Lemon 2 teaspoon and 1 teaspoon of honey with pipping hot water drinking slowly.

Current result taken on 07/01/2010
Cholesterol 4.63, Trigleycerides 1.55, HDL-C 1.05, LDL-C 2.88 and Chol: HDL Ratio 4.41 all in mmol/L. For me it works well but in term of loosing weight I don't see much. I introduced ACV to my Manager who has the same problem and never once see his result pass from the test. After my advise and taken for 3 or 4 weeks on daily basics last week result out shine my report.

Those with high cholesterol please try but please check with your doctors advise. I tried after reading from the net on the benefits. One important thing I was on medication too for cholesterol (Lovastatin). My managers report was the thing which confirm of ACV coz he never see a better result in all his testing.


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Susan (USA) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

One reader found success in lowering her high cholesterol by diluting ACV with a small amount of grape juice; she also drinks close to 80 ounces of water daily.