Side Effects of Pet Vaccines: A Closer Look

Modified on Dec 16, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

Pet Vaccination Side Effects

With the increasing global focus on maintaining a healthy population of pets, vaccines have become an essential part of a pet's life, safeguarding them from various diseases and health complications. Like any medical intervention, pet vaccines can sometimes cause side effects. This article delves deep into the potential side effects caused by pet vaccines and some important natural remedies you should keep on hand.

Vaccination has revolutionized the health landscape for pets, greatly reducing the incidence of serious diseases and, in many cases, virtually eliminating them. However, vaccines, like all medical interventions, can occasionally cause side effects. Understanding these effects can help pet owners, and veterinarians make informed decisions regarding a pet's health care regimen.

Common Side Effects

Most side effects of pet vaccines are minor and temporary. These include:

Local reactions: Swelling, redness, and pain at the injection site are common. These reactions generally subside within a few days without treatment.
Fever: Some pets develop a mild fever after vaccination.
Lethargy: It’s not uncommon for pets to feel a bit low or lethargic post-vaccination.
Digestive upset: A few pets might experience diarrhea or vomiting, which generally resolves within a day or two.

Moderate Side Effects

While less common, moderate side effects can occur. They include:

Immunosuppression: In rare cases, vaccines can temporarily suppress the pet's immune system, making them more susceptible to infections.
Allergic reactions: Pets can have allergic reactions to a vaccine or one of its components. Symptoms might include swelling of the face, itching, and in severe cases, difficulty breathing.

Severe Side Effects

In rare circumstances, pets might experience severe side effects such as:

Vaccine-Associated Sarcomas (VAS): Mainly seen in cats, VAS is a type of cancer that can develop at the injection site, necessitating aggressive treatment, including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
Anaphylaxis: This severe allergic reaction occurs shortly after vaccination and requires immediate veterinary intervention to prevent life-threatening consequences.

Factors Influencing Side Effects

It's important to note that the likelihood of a pet experiencing side effects can depend on various factors, including:

Age and health status: Younger and older pets and those with pre-existing health conditions may be more susceptible to side effects.
Vaccine type: Some vaccines are more likely to cause side effects than others. For instance, live vaccines can sometimes induce mild forms of the disease they're meant to prevent.
Vaccination schedule: Over-vaccination can increase the risk of adverse effects.

Treating Vaccination Side Effects in Pets With Natural Remedies

When it comes to managing short-term and long-term health issues stemming from vaccinations, natural remedies can be a gentle and effective option to help your pet recover. These remedies, ranging from dietary supplements to homeopathic solutions, can relieve various symptoms that may occur post-vaccination. 

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal, renowned for its toxin-absorbing properties, can be considered a first-aid remedy to many poisons and toxins. It can be administered easily through food or water, acting as a detoxifying agent to help your pet recover from adverse effects following vaccination.  Keeping activated charcoal at hand can be a prudent choice for immediate response to potential vaccination side effects.

You can find more dosing information on this page


Turmeric, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, can be a handy remedy in your pet’s post-vaccination recovery toolkit. Turmeric can be added to your pet's diet, known for purifying blood and helping alleviate digestive issues such as diarrhea. Its natural properties can aid in reducing inflammation and promoting overall well-being, offering a soothing effect on your pet’s system post-vaccination.

To learn how to dose turmeric for your dog or cat, visit this page.


Homeopathic enthusiasts often recommend Thuja for pets experiencing side effects from vaccinations. Derived from the Thuja tree, it is believed to help in mitigating adverse reactions from vaccines. Many pet owners have found relief for their pets through this natural remedy. However, it is crucial to consult with a homeopathic veterinarian to find the right dosage and understand the potential benefits and limitations of using Thuja for your specific pet.

Essiac Tea

Essiac tea, a blend of several herbs, has been reported to support individuals and pets facing health challenges like tumors, cancers, and chronic health issues. Being affordable and generally well-accepted by most pets, it can be a sensible choice to have in your pet’s wellness arsenal.

How Long Do Pet Vaccines Last?

According to the recommendations of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), the organization that sets the standards for vets: “Among healthy dogs, all commercially available [core] vaccines are expected to induce a sustained protective immune response lasting at least 5 yr. thereafter”
Immunology expert Ronald Schultz, Ph.D., Diplomate ACVIM (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine) outlined the duration of immunity for several vaccines in a 1999 paper. Below is the minimum duration of immunity for common vaccines, according to his research:
  • Vaccine Duration by Challenge Duration by Serology
  • Distemper 7 years 15 years
  • Parvovirus 7 years 7 years
  • Adenovirus 7 years 9 years
  • Canine rabies 3 years 7 years
Dr. Schultz concluded, “Vaccines for diseases like distemper and canine parvovirus, once administered to adult animals, provide lifetime immunity.”

Strategies to Prevent Vaccination Side Effects in Pets

When considering vaccinations for your pet, it is crucial to approach the process with a strategy to reduce potential side effects. Here are some carefully curated strategies that can help ensure a smooth vaccination experience for your pet:

Timely Vaccination

Once you've consulted with your veterinarian and determined the essential vaccines for your pet, it's important to strategize the optimal timing for each vaccine to safeguard your pet’s well-being.

Avoid Vaccinating a Sick Pet

It is a cardinal rule to avoid vaccinating your pet when they are unwell. Vaccinating a sick pet can strain their immune system further, hindering their ability to recover fully. If a vaccination appointment coincides with an illness, reschedule the vaccination when your pet fully recuperates to allow their immune system to focus wholly on healing first.

Staggered Vaccination Schedule

Avoid administering multiple vaccines in one visit to prevent overwhelming your pet's immune system. While this means more frequent trips to the vet, adopting a staggered vaccination schedule can potentially reduce the risk of adverse reactions, making the process safer for your pet.

Consider Age and Size

For young pets, especially puppies, waiting until they have grown more might be beneficial before initiating their vaccination regime. A more developed physique can cope better with the potential side effects of vaccines. However, consult your vet to balance the benefits of early vaccination and the advantages of waiting.

Nutrition is Key

A strong immune system can significantly mitigate potential side effects associated with vaccines. Ensuring your pet receives a balanced, nutritious diet is pivotal in prepping them for vaccinations. A well-nourished pet can handle vaccinations' stress and bodily demands better.

Has your pet experienced side effects from a vaccine? Please share your experience. Be as specific as you can – What is the age, breed and weight of your pet? Which vaccine(s) or booster shots did they get? What side effects did they experience? How did you treat the side effects?

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List of Remedies for Vaccination Side Effects