Turmeric for Dogs and Cats

Modified on Dec 14, 2021 | Earth Clinic Team

Turmeric for Dogs and Cats

Turmeric is a spice that is commonly used in India for cooking. This simple spice, made from the ground root of the turmeric plant, has wonderful healing properties for pets and their owners. 

Not only is turmeric a highly effective natural remedy, it is inexpensive and has few side effects. 

Pet owners find that turmeric helps their pets with arthritis, infections, cysts, tumors, hot spots and and wounds. A daily dose of turmeric can also help pets with allergies or itchy skin. 

How to Use Turmeric Internally for Dogs and Cats

Turmeric is easy to mix with your pet's food. Turmeric is usually given twice a day. The chart below gives suggested amounts of turmeric to give your pet. Start with the smaller amount and increase if you need to. The amount listed is per dose.

Pet Weight         Turmeric Dose

81-160 pounds         1/2 - 1 teaspoon
41-80 pounds           1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon
21-40 pounds           1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon
11-20 pounds           1/16 -1/8 teaspoon
5-10 pounds             pinch - 1/16 teaspoon

How to Use Turmeric Externally for Your Pet

Turmeric fights infection, helps wounds to heal, and helps to stop bleeding. For wet wounds the dry turmeric powder can be sprinkled into the clean wound twice a day. (If the turmeric has mixed with blood and formed a scab, do not remove the turmeric, just clean the wound as needed and add more turmeric if necessary.)

Turmeric can be mixed with coconut oil or olive oil to make a paste. This can be applied to the skin and covered with a bandage if appropriate. 

Golden Paste

Turmeric can be prepared with water, oil and black pepper. This "Golden Paste" is then used internally or externally as needed. For more information and a recipe for Golden Paste, see this page.

Side Effects of Turmeric

The most common side effect from turmeric is constipation. For this reason, always make sure that your pet has plenty of water when you are giving him turmeric. Monitor your pet and make sure he is having regular regular bowel movements. If he seems constipated, cut back on the amount of turmeric you are using. 

Another "side effect" of turmeric is that it does stain. While this does not put your pet's health at risk, it does put his bedding and your furniture at risk. If you are using turmeric topically, be sure to cover the area on your pet that you are treating or cover your furniture.

Where to Buy Turmeric for Pet Use

While you can find special turmeric supplements for pets, those supplements tend to be pretty expensive. Check your local health food store or Indian market. You should be able to find quality turmeric in bulk. Store your turmeric in a sealed container out of light to keep it fresh. You will likely find many used for this amazing herb for your pets and yourself! You will probably wonder how you ever lived without it.

Have you used turmeric for your pet? We would love to hear your story! Continue reading for reviews from our readers who used turmeric to treat various conditions in their dogs and cats.

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List of Remedies for Turmeric