Skunked Dog Remedy and Tips for Dogs Who Roll in Smelly Things

Modified on Jan 29, 2022

Is there any pet owner who has not had to deal with the delightful task of ridding your pet (and eventually yourself), of the horrid odor caused by skunk spray? If you haven't yet encountered this then you are one of the very few, and very lucky. Be warned, it can happen to any curious pet and at any time. Though if you're like most of us it will probably happen during that last walk of the evening just before you're ready to hit the sack for the night. When it happens, there's absolutely no mistaking it. The scent spreads quickly and it's usually a very stinky, humiliated dog that comes running back to us with its tail between its legs.

Skunked Dog

Although it may be tempting to leave him in the doghouse for the night and postpone dealing with the problem until morning, know that treating it right away means less work for you later on. The next step is figuring out what to use and it seems that everyone and their mothers seem to have the ultimate solution, i.e., tomato juice, lemon juice and even coke a cola have been tried, but none of them really work, do they?

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    List of Remedies for Skunked Dogs