Skunked Dogs for Salt Bath

5 star (1) 

Kim (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) on 09/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Have you been searching for a quick, easy and above all cheap method of ridding your dog of skunk odor that you havent already tried? Chances are that over the years, you have tried many, if not all, of the products and home remedies available. Most are costly, messy and just irritating to the dog as well as the owner. Washing a stinky, skunked, dog in your bathtub is quite a challenge, even for professionals, but add tomato juice, vinagar, peroxide or chemical products, and you can only expect the worst. I know from experience...I have been grooming dogs for 22 years and discovered this remedy a few years ago. Recently, my own dog was sprayed directly in her face and was in alot of pain. It was 2:30 in the morning and my family was in from out of town... it was no problem though, I knew exactly what to do. After a salt bath, she was back to normal, even sleeping on my bed. I am giving you my trade secret and lifetime of experience...all you have to do is try it. The best part is that it costs practically nothing and works the very first time, without the use of harmful chemicals. There is no need to wash your dog more than once because it washes away all traces of odor.

What I do, is dilute some shampoo by mixing it with water... any kind of shampoo or even dishsoap is fine...but the better it smells, the better the dog will smell. I use an empty milk jug or shampoo bottle from the recycling to make it easy to saturate the coat quickly and thoroughly. I dont measure the shampoo but I would guess about 1/2 cup per gallon...dishsoap is stronger so you can use less, but I dont like the smell it leaves, compared to a good shampoo. I then add a good amount of salt into the diluted shampoo, about 1/4 to 1/2 cup per gallon. I shake well and let it sit for 10 minutes or longer, the longer it sits, the stronger it gets... then I get the dog wet and apply the soap/salt solution, saturating the skin and coat completely. After about 10 minutes, I rinse thoroughly, and the odor is gone. You can adjust the shampoo to make it sudsier or add water to make it less sudsier...dont worry about the mixture...the main thing is that the dog gets a good washing in soapy, salt water. (If the poor dog gets sprayed in the mouth or eyes, just use a little salt water to rinse) Of course, to achieve the best results, always brush and dry the coat thoroughly after the bath.

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