Natural Remedies for Dogs Who Lick or Chew Their Paws

Modified on Apr 30, 2018

Dogs will check or lick their paws for many different reasons. Figuring out the cause of this problem can help you work towards a solution. If your dog’s skin has been damaged from the licking and chewing, natural remedies can be used to heal the skin.

Why Do Dog’s Lick or Chew Their Paws?


Bacterial, viral, or fungal conditions can cause skin problems and itching. A dog will lick and chew to relieve the problem. Treating the underlying infection should eliminate paw chewing.


Pain in the paws from arthritis can cause a dog to lick or chew his paws. Using natural remedies for arthritis in dogs will relieve your dog of more than licking and chewing!

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    List of Remedies for Paws, Chewing or Licking