Vitamin C for Back Pain

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Renee (Conyers, Ga) on 12/10/2011
5 out of 5 stars

My dachshund went down in the back at 5 yo. Vet wanted to do surgery but since I didn't have the money we crated him for weeks & he ended up bouncing back. He had always had chronic constipation-sometimes so bad I had him at emergency vet several times - not one time did any vet suggest this could be from a disc problem. (His back obviously hurt too bad to poop) Also no vet ever said anything about vitamin c. They had me trying pumpkin, fiber, etc. - none worked. I poured through the internet & found out about vit. C. Started him on 2000 mg Ester C a day. Been 4 years now & poop is fine & he's had no problems since. Now my 11 yo golden mix has been showing signs of stiffness (beginning arthritis) and I've started her on Ester C - she's already showing great improvement. Bottom line is I think Ester C is a wonder drug. All my other dachshund rescues are now on 500 mg a day just for preventative.