Natural Remedies for Back and Neck Pain in Dogs

Modified on Oct 24, 2016

Dogs can experience pain in their backs and necks, they just may not be able to tell you about it. Natural remedies for back and neck pain target infection, pain, and removing the cause of the pain. A veterinary diagnosis will be helpful in knowing the cause of your dog's pain, making it easier to narrow down the solution.

Causes of back pain in dogs are quite similar to the causes of back pain in humans. A misaligned or damaged disc in the spine can cause pain. Infection and inflammation can cause back pain. Arthritis or injury can be the root of back pain.


Turmeric is commonly used to reduce pain, inflammation and infection. It does have a strong taste and some creativity may be needed to encourage your dog to take his turmeric. You will find dosing information on this page

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    List of Remedies for Back Pain