Preparation H for Horse Wounds

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Linda (Conneautville, Pa) on 03/22/2011
5 out of 5 stars

The best remedy for proud flesh I have found is Preparation H!

I had a pony that got caught in high tensile fence and ended up taking almost all the hide off 3 legs from the knee down. One leg was all the way down to the bone. There was nothing for the vet to suture, so I was left with just keeping them clean and wrapped. I washed his legs every day with an antimicrobial scrub and packed them with furozone & rewrapped until there was tissue covering the bone again. Proud flesh started to grow and I had the vet out to have it debrided. After that, I switched to packing with Prep H. The people at Walmart must have thought I had a real problem because I would go in and buy 3 or 4 GIANT tubes at a time! (I used the store brand) I used it just as you would use any salve, but kept a close eye on it for infection. It never got infected and as it healed I eventually washed it and changed the dressing every 2 days, then every 3. When it was all said and done, there was no proud flesh what-so-ever, and all the hair came back in a normal color. There was just one small scar on his fetlock that never regrew the hair, but it was so small it was hardly noticeable. This remedy was a Godsend, and saved me hundred if not thousands in vet bills since I didn't have to have it debrided every week or so. It also left the pony almost completely scar free, which was the best part!

Needless to say, I no longer have high tensile fence! But there is definetly a tube of Preparation H in my horse first aid kit!