Lecithin And Belladona for Epilepsy

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Rntg83 (Martinsburg, Wv, Usa) on 01/25/2011
5 out of 5 stars

My 14 year old cocker sheltie mix has had seizures since he was just under a year old. He was on phenobarbital and continued to have them. The vet then added KBR and he would STILL have cluster seizures. It was time for an intervention. I couldn't sit back and watch him have seizure after seizure for 45 minutes to an hour three to five times a week any longer.

I researched websites and found that Lecithin is a good supplement for seizures. He gets a daily dose of 1200 MG (He is 45 lbs). He has been weened off the phenobarbital so he wouldn't have withdrawal symptoms. Now if he has a seizure it is very mild and only last a short amount of time. That is when I give him Belladonna (bought from homeopathy site) and it stops them almost immediately.