Ted's Borax & Peroxide Mange Treatment for Dogs

Modified on Mar 28, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Borax for Mange

Learn to combat dog mange with Ted's acclaimed home remedy, first shared on Earth Clinic in 2002. Utilizing borax and hydrogen peroxide, this trusted solution effectively targets both demodectic and sarcoptic mange, providing relief to canines and their owners for two decades.

Easy Homemade Mange Solution


  • Borax (Twenty Mule Team Borax recommended)
  • 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

Where to Buy:

Borax is readily available in the US and globally, often in the laundry section. Hydrogen peroxide can be found in any pharmacy or grocery store.

Pre-Bath Preparation:

Bathe your dog with a pet-friendly, pH-balanced shampoo like Dermabenss. Remember to rinse twice to remove all traces of shampoo.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing the Mixture

  • Dissolve Borax: Add 3 heaping tablespoons of borax to a bucket with 2 cups of hot water. Stir until fully dissolved.
  • Mix in Peroxide: Combine with 2 cups of warm water, then add 2 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Post-Bath Application: After a thorough rinse post-shampoo, apply the mixture to your dog's fur, avoiding sensitive areas like the eyes. Do not rinse off; allow your pet to air dry.

Important Note:

Never substitute boric acid for borax, as it is toxic to pets.

Application Instructions

  • Saturate the Fur: Use a cup to pour the solution over your dog, covering all areas.
  • Face Application: Use your hands to apply the solution around the face, being careful with the eyes.
  • Skin Contact: Work the solution into the skin, but avoid rubbing on sore or raw areas.
  • Drying: Let your dog dry naturally, preferably in sunlight or a warm room.

Treatment Schedule

  • Week 1: Treat every other day.
  • Week 2: Treat every three days.
  • Weeks 3-6: Move to weekly treatments.
  • Weeks 6-12: Continue with bi-weekly treatments.

Improvements are typically observed after one or two sessions, but full recovery can take one to two months.

Maintaining a Mange-Free Environment

  • Laundry: Wash bedding and towels with borax on treatment days.
  • Other Pets: Give preventive borax baths to avoid mite transfer.
  • Cleaning: Regularly disinfect floors and sleeping areas with a borax solution.

Understanding the Treatment

The borax bath blends hydrogen peroxide and borax in water, creating an antiseptic that targets mites effectively. While borax acts as a mite-killer, hydrogen peroxide cleanses the skin, aiding in your pet's recovery from mange.

Borax for Mange Video

Watch Earth Clinic's popular instructional YouTube video on dog mange treatment, detailing how to create and apply Ted's mange solution here. The video also provides helpful tips to speed up recovery.

Mange Cure Photos

Click here to see the photos and remarkable recoveries from mange using Ted's Borax and Peroxide cure!

Using a Hair Dryer

After a borax bath, allow your dog to air dry in a warm room or in the sun on a warm day following the mange treatment. If your dog is shivering uncontrollably, you may use a hair dryer to warm them up. Ideally, wait half an hour before using the hair dryer to allow the solution time to penetrate.

Caring for Senior Dogs with Mange: Keeping Them Warm

Senior dogs are more sensitive to the cold, and their body temperature can drop during baths. It’s essential to keep them comfortable and warm throughout the bathing process. Here are some tips to ensure your older dog stays warm while treating mange:

Warm Bathing Tips:

  • Choose a Warm Location: On sunny days, bathe your senior dog in a spot where the sunlight is strong to keep them warm naturally. Alternatively, opt for a warm and cozy bathroom.
  • Controlled Room Temperature: After the bath, dry your dog in a room that’s been pre-warmed. This helps prevent any chill that could make them uncomfortable.
  • Winter Baths: If you live in a colder region, it’s best to avoid outdoor baths during the winter months unless it’s notably warm outside.

During the Bath:

  • Portable Heater Use: Position a small portable heater safely in the bathroom while you bathe your older dog. This extra heat source can prevent them from getting too cold and help maintain a steady body temperature.

After Bath Care:

  • Avoid Unnecessary Exposure: Don’t let your dog go outside right after their bath if it’s cold. Ensure they are completely dry and warm before venturing out, especially in cooler weather.

By taking these extra steps to ensure warmth, you’ll provide a more comfortable experience for your senior dog as they undergo mange treatment.

Summary: Understanding Ted's Natural Remedy for Dog Mange

Ted's remedy for dog mange is a well-regarded home treatment that targets demodectic and sarcoptic mange in canines. This remedy, which harnesses the natural properties of borax and hydrogen peroxide, is praised for being both effective and safe for your dog's skin.

Essential Points About Ted's Mange Cure:

  • Natural Ingredients: The cure utilizes a borax and hydrogen peroxide solution, which is non-toxic and gentle on your pet's skin.
  • Healing Timeline: Recovery from mange using this treatment can span from a few weeks to a couple of months, but you're likely to notice improvement promptly after the initial applications.
  • Preventative Measures: The solution not only treats the condition but also acts as a disinfectant in your dog's living space, aiding in preventing future mange outbreaks.
  • Overall Health: Following the recommended treatment plan will set your dog on a path back to health and comfort.

For a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of this treatment, continue reading for real-world success stories from Earth Clinic users who have seen significant results with Ted's mange cure for their pets.

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List of Remedies for Dog Mange Cure