Walking Dandruff Remedies

Modified on Apr 09, 2024

First of all, what in the world is "walking dandruff?" Is that the same thing as the regular dandruff that we as humans deal with? Well, walking dandruff is not the same thing that humans get. Although it presents similar symptoms, the cause is entirely a different one.

Walking dandruff is usually most evident along the back and flanks of the animal and just like our dandruff, will appear dry and flaky, but the animal may or may not scratch the affected area. The reason it is referred to as walking dandruff is because the condition is actually caused by a Cheyletiella mite. Although you would not be able to see the mite with the naked eye, it is possible that when you look at the affected areas of the animal's skin, the dandruff may appear to be moving. Mites moving around under the scales will cause the dandruff to move.

Walking dandruff is contracted by those animals who come into contact with other affected animals. Multiple pet homes should be careful when handling the affected animal and should closely examine other pets in the home, including dogs, cats and rabbits to determine whether or not they too have the same mite infestation. Sensible hygiene practices should be put into place and infected animals separated from those unaffected ones to prevent further spread of the problem.

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