Mullein Health Benefits

Mullein Herb Benefits

Modified on Nov 12, 2021

Not only does mullein grow easily with practically no care at all, it is useful for so many health conditions that it is a shame it isn’t more commonly known. This delightful herb is mild in taste yet powerful. It is useful for children, adults, the elderly and even pets.

The mullein plant is a biennial plant. The first year its soft, fuzzy leaves grow in a rosette form. The next year, in addition to the rosette, a stately stalk grows up through the center of the rosette and will bear lovely yellow flowers.

The leaves, flowers, roots and seeds all have medicinal value, though they are not equally easy to find. The leaves, however, are easy to find and have so many applications it behooves nearly anyone to keep it on hand. If you find a need for a particular part of the mullein plant and cannot locate it, do try just the leaves and see how you fare. You may be surprised at the success you experience.

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