Borax Safety for Cleaning and Laundry

Borax Laundry Detergent Safety for Cleaning and Laundry

Modified on Dec 13, 2022

Borax laundry detergent, a naturally occurring mineral, has been used for a variety of purposes for generations. It has industrial applications and is an effective natural cleaner. When used properly, borax is safe for laundry and all-purpose cleaning. 

Borax Safety

It can be difficult to wade through the data to try and determine the safety of borax. Common sense and attention to facts can help ease fears and provide balance in deciding when and how to use borax.

Is Borax Poisonous?

Taken internally in a large enough amount, yes, borax could cause death. Taken internally in a large enough amount, water can cause death. “The dose makes the poison.” (Paracelsus) All substances have a point at which they become toxic to the body.

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    List of Remedies for Borax Safety