Earth Clinic Mobile: Home Remedies for People and Pets

Dietary Changes for Perioral Dermatitis

Dietary changes are often necessary for those who suffer with perioral dermatitis. This may be one of the hardest natural remedies to implement because it requires thought, planning and self- control. But those who persevere with the changes often find that they feel better and have other health issues that clear up, in addition to their perioral dermatitis.

There is no one perfect diet. Each person is different and it will be important to find the diet that works well for you and your family. Your time, budget, and location on the planet will all affect the diet you are able to have. A simple place to begin with dietary changes is to reduce consumption of processed foods, white flour products and sugar. Instead of buying lunch out each day, find some simple things you can bring from home to eat. Fast food is convenient until it begins to affect your health for the worse. An avacado, cup of yogurt and handful of nuts makes a nourishing lunch that will help you to work well all afternoon.

If your perioral dermatitis is caused by a chronic yeast or systemic yeast infection, you may need to try an anti-candida diet. ...

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