Olive Oil for Weight Gain

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Cdrgnlady (Richmond, Va) on 12/13/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

I read about taking olive oil in a magazine and decided to try. Took daily in AM for a couple of weeks ( article had no resrictions for waiting until absorbed before consuming anything else). Found I grew increasingly uncomfortable w/taste & feel of swallowing oil - after just 2 weeks I couldn't stand to take it anymore and stopped.

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Dave (Conroe, TX) on 02/03/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Olive Oil (remedy) Weight Loss (ailment)

I have searched this site and found nothing yet about the Shangri-La Diet created by Seth Roberts in 2005. The bottom line is that foods with a high flavor concentration raise the body's set point and cause rapid weight gain. His idea is to counter this effect by consuming calories with as little flavor as possible to convince your body it's time to shed the pounds.

To this end he recommends taking 2TBSP of olive oil first thing in the morning before consuming ANY calories and then waiting about an hour before eating. You can drink water but no other consumption until the calories have been absorbed.

He says you can repeat this a couple times a day and then only eat when you are hungry which will likely be never since your body no longer tells you to eat.

So here's the story: Two years ago I tried it and had impressive results. I noted a significant reduction in my appetite and lost about 15 pounds in a month. Often I could feel my stomach rumbling but I was in no way actually hungry. Like it had actually turned off my appetite completely. AWESOME.

Here's the rub: After a few weeks I found that the olive oil made me gag. Like my body simply did not want it. After a while I couldn't even think about taking it. Even when I forced it down I would throw it up. Obviously I still wasn't hungry, but I was also unable to continue the program.

Here's my question: Has anyone else A)heard of this diet, b)tried this diet, c)experienced this problem, d)overcome this problem, e)got any advice?

I look forward to other's feedback

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