Grapefruit Seed Extract for Warts

5 star (2) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Althea (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/18/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I wanted to add my remedy for warts, but I don't see how to do that. If you cna add it for me that would be great, I really want to help others get rid of their warts too!

All I did was put one drop of undiluted grapefruit seed extrat on the wart each night and covered it with a bandage. I let it uncover the whole day and only used the GSE at night and withing one week it hade turn black underneath and fell off! Hope this works for others.


REPLY   3      

Robert (Salt Lake City, USA) on 01/13/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I had good results using Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE). I put a small amount on the tip of a Q-Tip and placed it directly on the wart. Be careful not to get too much on the skin surrounding it, as it will burn. If the wart is in a place where it will get covered with clothing, I'd cover it up with a bandaid. This doesn't take long at all. Two or three days should be enough.