Apple Cider Vinegar for Warts

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R (Baltimore, Md) on 02/08/2012
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I've experienced the same thing. The skin on my thumb wart (I believe it's actually a plantar wart) was black and loose, and when it came off it left me with a big raw crater. I can see a small black dot where the wart still lives, so I'm continuing treatment - even though the surrounding skin is raw and it hurts like hell.

Keep us updated!


Jennifer (Hickory Hills, Illinois, United States) on 12/12/2011
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi, I recently used ACV for a wart (about pea sized) the heel of my palm. I soaked the tip of a cotton swab, put it on the wart and covered it with tape. To keep it secured I had to pretty much tape my whole hand. On the second day (today) I just had paper tape on over the wart (no acv) and when I took the tape off, I noticed the wart and the surrounding area (nickel size) was "loose" and the good skin and the wart just peeled off. There does feel like there's still wart there, but the surrounding skin looks as if I was burned. So I guess I'm wondering if this is normal and continue treatment or should I discontinue and try something else? Thanks so much for this site and everyones input!

Danielled87 (Denver, Co) on 09/06/2011
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Ive had a massive planters wart on my foot for over 5 years. Ive had it removed once before and that was painful, couldn't walk, so they gave me crutches and I had gotten really sick from the medication afterwards.

I looked up home remedies and tried ducktape first, with no luck after about 2 weeks I wanted to kick it up with the APC. It worked great the first week, I noticed the wart became flat and was looking great. Then it all went down hill, I have a pretty big pain tolerance so at first the trobbing/beginning pain was ok but by the end of the second week this was too much. It was killing the wart but with such pain walking on that foot became impossible, then putting on a shoe was too painful. I cant even manage my sandles right now, let alone a pair of socks. I was wearing the APC soaked in a cotton swab 24hrs/day. Took it down to only at night but it was still compleatly awful, the blanket was too much weight on my foot. It's been just over 3 weeks with APC and today I'm stopping compleatly. Im going on vacation in a week and would really like to be able to wear shoes and perhaps if I'm lucky WALK!

So yes, acp works but its PAINFUL. I imagine it would have worked a lot better if my wart wasn't so deep. A new wart that's still pretty small would have probibly given up by now, but if you have a deep one that wants to hold on with all its got this may not be whats right for you. All I can say is, OUCH!


Bee (Mo, Usa) on 09/23/2009
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I tried ACV over the past couple months on a couple plantar warts on the heel of my foot. At first it seemed to be working, would apply with cotton and bandage over, then exfoliate with a pumice stone. Seemed to be going well, but eventually it peeled off a LOT of skin. Since I had more than one in that area I wasn't too careful about only placing on the wart itself, so that may be the problem. But in the area where the skin peeled off I have many more smaller warts that have developed. So it's actually made the problem worse. Thought I would warn people about that. I probably should have been more careful to apply directly and avoid surrounding skin, but that is very difficult. So I am going to try something else to get rid of this little patch of warts on my heel.

Kat (Washington DC) on 05/24/2009
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I am treating my flat hand warts (on the back of my hand) with ACV. The ACV seems to be working. The warts turned into a scab, and in about 1.5 weeks 2 of the scabs have fallen off and left pink skin. My concern is that when I would remove the bandages in the morning, I would find that I had new warts (where the adhesive portion of the bandaid had been). It seems that the warts are contagious when they are being treated. Is there any way I can treat the warts without causing new ones to pop up? Has anyone had this problem, and how did you resolve it?

Tracey (Moose Jaw, Canada) on 12/26/2007
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I tried the ACV remedy on my daughters plantar warts. They swelled up and turned white all around the wart and the black seed was visible. I thought the warts were "dead" and was happy with the results. However, it is now months later, and the white skin hasn't fallen off or changed. Should I do the ACV again? We have tried scraping the skin off, pumice stone etc., but not much changed. Any ideas?