Gluten Free for Ulcerative Colitis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Steve R (Garnet Valley, Pa) on 12/28/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I've had colitis for about three years now and just went into remission after following a strict gluten free diet and using some supplements. I basically used good probiotics, aloe vera gel, flaxseed oil, and liquid chlorophyll.

Sam (Dallas, Tx) on 04/30/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I am diagnosed by UC on 2007. Since then I am on different medication from light medicine all the way to heaviest and costly mEds. Medicine helped but never cure me or near remision. Always has pain, cramping, and some bleeding. My stool always soft and urgency my biggest fear. However a big change happened when I was talking to a pharmacist from middle east who is specialist with natural remedies beside conventional meds. He suggested that 60% of his patient who follow gluten free diet get major improvement on their UC conditions.

That was on January 2012. Since then I am strictly gluten free. First month of this diet which was February, pain start to disappear, reduce steroids from 40 ml to 10 ml per day. On March there was improvment on urgency, and stool get somewhat harder. And now end of April, I skiped my infusion, free of steroid, no pain at all, stool very hard, and I go to bathroom once or twice a day after I used to go at least 5 to 7 times. The only medicine I am still taking is the Imuran 50 ml a day. I am planning to do colonoscopy sometime on November. I hope that will help you guys and make you feel better. Thanks