Acupuncture, Multiple Remedies for Trigeminal Neuralgia

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Rebecca (Australia) on 12/26/2014
4 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last month, but thinking about it I feel it has been coming on for the last 3-4 months very slowly, with pressure in my ears, eyes and sinus.

I have been having acupuncture in my face neck and head and it has made such a difference. My pain was unbelievable, I wanted to cut off my head. I am also taking Vitamin B5 B1 200mg 4 tablets 2 x daily of each. Also Nervagesic (natural) by Mediherb 4 x 2 daily. The B5 is called Pantothenic Acid these all help to calm your nerve's and ease stress while building back nerve covering.

My natural health care professionals told me to de-stress as much as I can, rest and keep taking vitamins including Magnesium in good quantities.

Use heat packs, that is very soothing, stay out of the heat and direct sunlight on your face. If you are suffering with the pain in your teeth, avoid chewing on that side. Eat soft food or soup that needs little or no chewing. Also use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and brush your teeth up to 5 times a day. This helped ease my pain.

Hope this has helped. I am still suffering but nowhere near as much as I was. Each day the pain seems to lessen. There is hope just hang in there and never stop asking question of people that know what they are talking about. Especially those who have had the same condition.