Ted's Remedies for Hair Loss

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Barbara (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 01/01/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Sayno from Vancouver, BC, Your dandruff is an internal issue. Most everyone is lacking the health essential fatty acids in their diet. I cured my seborrheic dermatitis a skin disorder on my scalp with organic extra virgin coconut oil. I took 2 table spoons each day of the 29 oz jar and after I finished I noticed my scalp healed completely and it felt as smooth as a baby's bum. My scalp prior to using extra virgin coconut oil was very dry with scab like bumps that were also very painful at times and would also bleed a little after I scratched it. I only flaked a little and itched a little, but mostly it was sore and extremely dry. Before I decided to experiment with extra virgin coconut oil, I was consuming flaxseed supplements and oil for about 12 or so years.

It definitely helped, but this past summer for some reason the flaxseed oil was not doing a good job and so I decided to search for something else. I am soooo amazed at the results of extra virgin coconut oil and it's many many other medicinal healing properties. Just google health benefits of extra virgin coconut oil and you'll be amazed. Mother Nature always come through for us, we just have to look for it.

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Sayno2gmo (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 12/14/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I tried the borax solution on my hair, and within 30 seconds it started to tingle a little, then it got really hot and felt like it was burning. Touching my head, I could notice it really was hot, some kind of instant reaction. I quickly rinsed it out, but it kept stinging a bit, and my head was really hot for a couple hours. I also got a headache, or maybe could be described as pressure in my head.

Has anyone else had a reaction like this? I used the 20 mule brand. About 1/2 tsp in 180ml spring water.

This scared me enough to not try it again. I was hoping the borax would cure my issues of dandruff that doesn't go away unless I use baking soda/acv rinse (I want to be able to use shampoo again! ), and rapid hair thinning that has recently showed up, only about 6 months ago. I believe it could be a fungus issue. Maybe it's from fukushima radiation, who knows, I'm on the west coast, and this started about 1 month after the incident.

I usually use a baking soda solution every couple showers, mainly if my head is itchy, flaky, this definitely helps. It tingles like it should, but never burns. I also usually use a ACV 1:5 parts ACV to water rinse with 10-15 drops tea tree oil and 2 drops rosemary oil.

I have haven't been able to use any shampoo for the last 2 years because it just gives me crazy dandruff. Doesn't matter what type of shampoo. I now use completely natural shampoo every once in a while, but still get lots of flakes after using it, although they are finer and less noticable then what I used to get with the chemical shampoos.

Any ideas as to why my head started to feel like it was about to light on fire? I'm scared to try it again as I don't want to lose anymore hair from these experiments!

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Tm (Brisbane, Queensland) on 04/05/2011:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

My hair comes out in handfuls and it has for years. It gets especially bad during times of stress, but for the last couple of months it has been really bad. I decided to try Ted's peroxide/ACV remedy using the 1:10 ration (20ml ACV, 20ml HP, 200ml water). I massaged this into my scalp and then washed with a organic shampoo made from coconut & essential oils (parabens & sulfate free). I made a mix of tee tree and lavender oil which I massaged in and left overnight. The hair was still coming out excessively. The next morning I shampoo'd my hair again but still had a fist full come out in the shower. More came out after the hair had dried and I was gutted. I really hoped this would have worked. My hair is so thin now, I can put all of it up with the smallest hair clip. As the day wore on though, less hair started to come out. I woke up this morning and no hair came out at all. Usually I'm pulling 5 fist fulls our every morning, but not even 1 strand came out. I would definitely recommend this.

ADDIE (LA, USA) on 04/06/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Ted' remedey works great borax, tea tree oil and lavender oil helped me allot. I take apple cider vinegar internelly and some vitamin c but i am still lookin for managanese sulfate. i looked every where but i cant find that product, so please ted can you recommend me where to buy that supplements and thanks a lot for helping us out god bless you
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David (Orange County, CA) on 02/21/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I discovered this sit because i had a scalp infection and wanted to find out how i could cure it. i started to take the acv and baking soda internally that ted suggests. i felt really good and it seemed to help a lot. i put some acv on my head as well and i don't know if i worked. i also tried the peroxide on my head but i hasn't really done much either. i had read that eucalyptus oil is really good, so i realized that vic's vapor rub has eucalyptus oil in it so i put some on my head and it had the greatest effect than anything i tried. i can say that i went to the nutritional store to buy the tea tree oil that ted suggested, but unfortunately for me i listened to the homeopathic doctor there and didn't buy it. instead i bought the pills he suggested and the ointment that contained alison, i guess it's an extract from garlic, which is also suppose to clean your blood. that didn't seem to help at all so i started rubbing on the vic's again. i am going to buy the tea tea tree oil and maybe eucalyptus oil.

i also have to mention, that i had blood work done there at the health food store and my blood was really clean. he said that he never gets to see such healthy blood and was very impressed! i had been taking the acv and baking soda for at least a month though, so i guess it really worked. i use to have a little bite of lower back pain and that even went away. i want to give a special thanks to tedd, your a gentle man and a scholar. well thanks to everyone as well, who have taken the time to try to help others by contributing to this site. god bless all of you and your families!

p.s. i forgot to note that the infection seemed to be fungus and discovered it because my hair was falling out. i decided to just go ahead and shave my head and discovered i had the read fungus/ringworm on different parts of my head .the acv and vic's vapor rub really helped and i started to regrow my hair and it's not falling out anymore. it even seems to be growing thicker on the area's that were growing thin. thanks!

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