Iodine, Onion Juice for Hair Loss

4 star (1) 

Marina (Dubai, Uae) on 03/21/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

I read on the site that Ted recommends iodine solution to be applied to the scalp. I have hypothyroid which was not diagnosed by any doctor for almost 15 years and suspect that that's how I lost 75% hair (female pattern baldness with thinning all over). Now I am on Armour (natural desiccated thyroid hormone) but I guess it will take time for my hair loss to be reversed (if at all that can happen).

I read about Ted's iodine solution and tried it. I applied iodine solution all over my scalp and I must admit, it did wonders to my hair. I can almost immediately tell when my hair is benefiting from something and the next morning, my hair looked darker (i have brown-black hair), thicker and healthier. Plus, I was more energetic the next morning (definitely because iodine works for thyroid).

I also have been reading on this one remedy which a lot of people swear by (i don't know if it's been mentioned anywhere on this site)... Onion juice applied topically. I know that under Ayurveda, onion juice for the scalp has been recommended. I started this today and did notice my hair looking healthier and thicker. Apparently it takes up to 4-6 months when applied 2-3 times a week but the upside is that it's an affordable home remedy and needs to be applied for only 20 minutes before being washed off.

Someone said that in Romania onion juice and garlic juice are very popular for reversing baldness. I do see something in it, as onion and garlic have sulpher. The smell might make you think twice, but some people recommend using lemon juice after washing hair (to take the smell off). Hope I am regular with it for the next 4-6 months and hope it helps others too.

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