He Shou Wu Tea for Hair Loss

5 star (1) 

Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 07/08/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Re: Faster hair growth... This has been my bugbear for about 6 years now and recently I had the good fortune to be given some of the fabulous He Shou Wu tea from a friend who had been to China and visited an old Chinese herbalist (who recommended he have some for a cleanse/tonic). Upon his return, he went on to mention this particular tea and I asked him if it was He Shou Wu by any chance to which he said "yes"!!! I was eager to get my hands on some so he put some in a bag and I started drinking it up to 3x a day. Within maybe a week, I had noticed my hair growth seemed to be happening very quickly as it only ever grew perhaps 1/4" every 3 months. Since I already knew the benefits for hair growth, I was aware that the tea was indeed doing it's job and cost me nothing - not like all the expensive vitamins etc I had tried over the years. I really felt confident that as I near the age of 50, my hair will no longer be thin and perhaps will avoid hair loss during menopause. Anyway, also read recently that someone had experienced very slow hair growth as soon as the Mirena was inserted for contraception. I've also got this and now think back to both the slowing of the hair and the Mirena happening at the same time!! I'm due to get it taken out shortly and will keep up the He Shou Wu indefinitely (I've run out grrrr) when I find some more. It's an incredible root for health. Also known as the invasive Knotweed (in England it's a costly, invasive pest), in Asia, it's touted for it's health benefits and is an important source of nectar for bees, has resveratrol and so on. It grows prolifically if allowed and would make a fabulous food for starving nations!! Google it! (Knotweed, Fleeceflower, He Shou Wu)
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