Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Loss

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NJ (New Delhi, India) on 05/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Remedies for Hair Growth:

1. Mix as per your hair length, castor oil, olive oil and coconut oil in equal measures. Warm and massage on to your scalp. This will arrest hair fall and promote hair growth.

2. Soak methi (fenugreek) seeds and curry leaves in coconut oil, overnight. Next morning warm it a little and massage it on to your scalp. The massage should be gentle, yet it should leave your scalp tingling. Rinse off with a herbal shampoo. Alternatively you could rinse it with the juice of crushed red hibiscus leaves.

Follow this regularly for best results. It will keep your scalp healthy and prevent hair fall.

3. If you can tolerate the smell of mustard oil here's a remedy. Boil mustard oil and while it is boiling, keep adding fresh henna, basil and curry leaves to it. After the leaves are burnt black, switch off the gas. Cool, strain and use twice to thrice a week for best results.

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