Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil for Tinea Versicolor

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Theluxury (British Columbia) on 08/09/2015
5 out of 5 stars


Thanks so much for sharing your Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil mixture. I also am using it, added some grapefruit extract, and it seems to be working very well. I can only see a couple very faded spots now... and my case was pretty severe - all over my core, neck, part of face.

An additional step that helped me tackle my tinnea versicolor (TV) in the first week or two of my latest 'break-out' was this: I bought powdered white clay (at the health food store), and mixed about a cup with a small amount of water to form a paste (like a face mask), then I added maybe one to two drops of tea tree oil to the paste (mixing it in very well). I would spread this paste over the TV, and let it dry, then loofa/scrub it off in the shower. This really lessened the TV, and then with the use of your oil mixture, it's almost gone!

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Siren (Massachusetts, US) on 12/28/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I made your spray with witch hazel, oil of oregano, clove oil, tea tree oil, and some lavender oil and it totally did the trick!! No more white patches after about 5 or 6 months of daily use. Thank you for posting this!

I also cut out all cane sugar/refined sugar and gluten from my diet. It is absolutely cane sugar or processed sugar that causes my tinea to flare up. I also introduced fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt into my diet to help fight the yeast in my gut.

The spray gave me immediate itch relief and eliminated the white patches within a few weeks, and my diet change enables me to stay relatively free of flare ups in the long run.

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Lena (San Diego, Ca) on 08/26/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I cured my tinea versicolor with a body spray that I made from witch hazel, Oregano Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Clove Oil.

I use 3 oz. of witch hazel, 10 drops of pure Oregano Oil, 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil, and ONE DROP (no more) of Clove Oil.

I sprayed it all over the effected area twice a day, immediately after showering, and let air dry before I put any clothing on.

Itching ceased after 3 days, and the rash started shrinking and looking less angry in about a week. 6 weeks later it was gone and it's been gone now for about a year.

I still apply the spray every night before bed, just to prevent re-occurrence.

I tried just Tea Tree oil, Tea Tree oil and Oregano oil, and just Clove Oil... None of them worked. It was the combination of all three oils in the witch hazel that worked for me.