Melatonin, Vitamin C, Electrolytes for Tardive Dyskinesia

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Nick (CT) on 02/20/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I've had tardive dystonia/dyskinesia for more than 20 years. I have tried a lot of different things. right now I'm having luck with melatonin Vitamin C, electrolytes. I take 10-20mg melatonin as needed, 4 grams vitamin C as needed and powdered electrolytes in water (from amazon) every other day. Right now this is helping. The naturopath I was seeing said I could take up to 30 mg melatonin per day. I guess everyone's needs may be different but if you have TD maybe these three substances might help. I take the melatonin that is fast dissolve (chewable form) I also alternate one day I take the melatonin when I feel symptoms and the next day I take the Vitamin C.

This sort of has been trial and error for the past 20 years. I was also trying BCAA's they seemed to help at first but then my symptoms got worse but for me maybe BCAA's may be good once in a while. I tried manganese didn't help though it might help someone else. Everyone's brain imbalance may be different it might be a matter of getting the right frequency of meds and dosages. I guess you have to experiment though these substances have proven to be very safe over the years. No matter what anyone says don't give up hope. I know the words progressive and irreversible are used a lot but that type of thinking does not help.