Avoid Ibuprofen for Abdominal Pain

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Lorraine (Half Moon Bay, CA) on 10/06/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I had a "frozen shoulder" and the physical therapy was a bit painful. I was told by the physical therapist, and previously by a chiropractor, that Advil was beneficial to help the inflammation. The chiropractor said that 2400 mg daily was okay, and I got into the habit of taking it 3 pills at a time. One day I started having lingering abdominal cramps and heartburn. I went to a doctor and he said there was a sore on my larynx that looked to be from stomach acid. he put me on Nexium and told me to stop taking Advil. He also gave me a list of foods not to eat (tomato, chocolate etc.) My symptoms got better on this program, but my stomach still seems more sensitive than it used to be.