Apple Cider Vinegar for Abdominal Pain

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Christina (Lakewood, Washington) on 04/16/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Anytime I have a sore or upset stomach from food or such, ACV cures it right away in most cases. I take 1-2 TBSP followed by water.
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Monika (Uk) on 02/23/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I had been treated for helicobacter, with symptoms like:indigestion, painfully swollen upper abdomen. Apparently the bacteria was gone (according to GP) but I was still having painful tummy, swelling and indigestion. I started taking ACV initially for my tinnitus (don't see any changes still) but my tummy is much better, haven't had any indigestion or swelling. I give it to my husband too as he has some stomach problems and I'm hoping it will ease his snoring :-D
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Mkontol (Ormond Beach, Fl) on 01/02/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I had the absolute worse stomach ache of my entire 57 years. Even my lower back started to ache. I don't use any commercial remedies and was reluctant to take the ACV with such pain. 30 minutes ago I gave in and took 2 tbs of regular old ACV. The pain is now completely gone. Why I waited so long I don't know, but whatever, it worked. Off to get a good nites sleep now.
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Kingskid (Dallas, Tx) on 10/22/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Had not been sick to my stomach in many years. Contacted a health food store I use frequently for vitamins, explaining I did not know how to stop the problem. He said put 1 teaspoon of ACV in a small (4 oz) glass of water then drink it slower. It worked within 20 minutes - such a relief. If stomach continues being upset, drink 1/2 of the liquid before eating a meal and 1/2 afterwards. When pressure built up in my chest cavity causing much pain, I used the ACV/water solution and it stopped the pressure. Rather than continue using the ACV/water indefinitely, with meals I took 1 capsule of Echinacea 400 mg to break the virus or whatever it was. It worked. But I will remember the ACV/water and use when needed.
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Mrsg (Jupiter, Fl, Usa ) on 08/13/2012
5 out of 5 stars

On two occasions when I woke up with a really bad stomach ache (making loud churning noises) and felt nauseous. I took two tablespoons of organic ACV followed by water. Within 10-15 minutes it felt like the stomach acids were getting neutralized. The pain, noise, and nauseous feelings were gone. Works a lot better than the pink stuff.
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Annec (Hendersonville, Tn.) on 02/24/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My stomach was hurting bad, so I went to the hospital emergency room they ran test after test and found nothing. They sent me home hurting. I walked the floor through the night, because it hurt to even lay down. I decided to google. I found this site about ACV. I put two tablespoon of ACV in 16oz bottle of water sipped for 1/2 hr. Pain stopped and l was able to sleep through the night. Thank-you
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Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 09/21/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I woke up last night with stomachache. I took 2 tsp of ACV in water with lemon juice and it subsided within 1/2 hour. On waking this morning it had come back and was painful so took a bigger dose of ACV with a few drops of lemon juice and water and it is subsiding again. I did try to put up with for ages but it was it was too painful so the ACV is definitely helping.
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Springtx (Spring, Tx) on 03/01/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Raw, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar has always worked for all of my stomach aches and heartburn (any stomach issues I've had). However, after reading many of these testimonies, it seems that I consume ACV a bit more liberally than the average person. I place the bottle to my lips and take about 8 - 10 swallows. Then, I might rinse & swallow a couple sips of water. Call me crazy, but I like to knock out the problem in a hurry.
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Tracee (Buffalo, New York) on 06/12/2010
5 out of 5 stars

So I was just lying in bed with a stomach ache that was really bad. I don't get them often but when I do they hurt bad! I decided to look on-line for any quick fix and also in part because I couldn't sleep when I came upon this site. After reading a bit I decided I would try apple cider vinager to see if it actually worked, plus I was desperate. I put one tablespoon with an 16oz bottle of water and began to sip it. I was surprised because it actually started to work! I feel better now and am happy because now I can go to sleep lol! Just had to post my results for everyone. Next time I have stomach pain I'll grab the ACV first! Thanks and good night!
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Nayd (Istanbul, Turkey) on 11/21/2008
5 out of 5 stars

First I had some doubts of acv but after I tried it cured my stomach problems so quickly. It is amazing blieve me after you start using acv your illness will be gone thanks god i found this web site made me met to acv truth...
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